June 25, 2009 in South RepublicanoLa LC girl's family is being investigated by the Audiencia Nacional for a possible crime of insulting the king. The drawing titled "The Grasshopper King face the sun and the ant people under the sun" is responsible for this research. LC participated as other children of his school in the annual competition What is a king for you?, noting the drawing one of their teachers, a member of Clean Hands, decided to file a complaint with the Guardia Civil for the child abuse by a parent perverts and red. After analyzing the work of LC, GC thought it was a criminal offense, to be less than the creature and believing he had been induced by their parents, came to investigate, bringing the case to the ANLC, 8, is the daughter of 55 years standing, whose supply is exhausted tomorrow, 24, onomastics of the monarch to make matters worse, and a sidelined and exploited workers of 50 years. The family completes a grandmother who takes the non-contributory and a 17 years. They all live in a small rented flat since the father lost his job at a bank, due to a serious illness in which they invested the family savings, since the delay in the SS was literally to die for. The same entity that had absorbed the bank in which he carried all his working life, had absorbed the old, vested rights, let him without compensation and to top it foreclosed.
The girl, whose IQ is above average by far, says it has not been induced to make the drawing by an adult, she has her own discretion and that the school is to blame for demanding it when had no interest in it. LC, lover of fairy tales, noting the journals of the dental cleaning your mother after finishing his day management over a large area, which felipes, froilanes, Sofia and Leonore live at full speed, reached its own conclusions. These offspring of idle not have to share a room with a grandmother who complains every 5 minutes after working a lifetime without being assured it is, verbatim: "fuck a pension," also says, "for it gave my life in a prison Paco dwarf murderer, or Republic, or decent pension, or anything, I shit on the drones ... Paco lifted if my head ... "
The father drags a camel to depression will have to engage if the thing does not improve, that is what it seems, that the mother could no longer handle life just lacked research , walks like a motorcycle around the house repeating to dig a garden, dig a garden, like a mantra, referring to the whole herd has been developed LC real.Así a deep anti-royalist sentiment in recent years, reinforced by the garbage programs which is doped as her sister because she says, with something you have to escape and there is nothing else. The girl has stated that it has no mental illness than their parents did not have manipulated and please have leave them alone, that TV shows do not buy dignity because that's all they have left. LC just wants his room to herself, her parents have a decent and well paid, who was exiled royal family and the respect that freedom of expression and democracy, which has studied what is in library and is convinced that this does not apply, says pointing fingers "to show a button." And hear from her grandmother laughing: this girl has left his grandfather Paco, who would be proud of you. "