After the cold greeting, which was accompanied by a handshake, he invited me to sit. I tell you something that never happened to me. When we shook hands, I felt a kind of stream that ran through my body, an electrical force that jerked me and I noticed that too. Fails to explain that it was but it happened. Once in the chair, I spend a few seconds to stare at him; wanted to analyze. His hazel eyes very bright and expressive. The bushy eyebrows, to the point that nearly married cona one another, but very well proportioned. A perfect smile. Her hair from dark brown and black, contrasted with a light-colored skin clean, but still with the aftermath of a great sun holiday. I think that while I was watching him carefully did the same with me. Scanned my face and hands fidgeted. Of course the same happened to me. The first impression I had of him, was a handsome boy, of a stature similar to mine, not robust, but well proportioned. Age appeared to be less that I had said I had. We ordered a combination of vanilla ice cream, rum raisin and strawberry for me mandarin easy for him. And now ...? That situation so uncomfortable! Everyone expected the other to break the ice and start the dialogue. Two scoops of ice cream and finally end the tension:
O: And how have you been?
Y: Well ... a little nervous, but ...
O: Haha I am just quiet, but the final step and the hardest ...
Y: Yes, thankfully ... lol
O: And when you walk What will you do ...?
Y: I just came to meet you and nothing else, then I'm home, I think ..
O: Ok ... I like
Me: Yes ...
Another long silence. My hands were sweating and Arato as I felt my pulse was altered. But I had to show safety and not let that nervousness was unfounded perceived by my interlocutor.
Y: And you went you okay now?
O: If everything is passed ... I'm fine.
Y: If that is seen in the distance. We both laughed celebrating a bad joke. We eat ice cream and only between monosyllables and silly questions, he continued our dialogue. Nothing important. And the worst was over. 20 minutes had elapsed. We had finished the ice cream. And that was? Oskar stood up and said let's go from here. He approached the box to cancel and then I saw it in all its dimensions. Really, the very serious young man was very good physical and paints (figure). We left the place and took the 116 looking eastward Carrera 15. And about this was our dialogue:
O: You know, I imagined more softly. But these almost equal to me. Furthermore, these really beautiful (and you too, I thought) What do we do? Where are we going?
Y: I do not know what causes you?
O: Nothing special, just walk and talk.
Y: Ok, fine.
O: And you really are gay? Or are you in the ways of the confusion?
Y: Gay if I am, I think there is more no0 doubt about that. And you?
O: Ps, really more like I'm Bisexual. But in recent months has given me more to know, boys than girls. I can not seem to have something hidden. Something delightful that catches my eye and I stay up late.
Y: Jajaja and what is so charming?
O: It seems very intriguing to know that a guy thinks about his sexuality and more exciting to know your reactions about the behavior of men.
And this why? This as a means crazy (crazy).
Y: Oh and you want to know about these reactions?
O: I'm very intrigued. And I wonder if we suddenly feel the same curiosity as myself. YY
what kind of curiosity?
O: Haha then I'll tell you mine lol bullshit.
Y: Ok ... as you want.
O: Hey, you know that you like me?
Y: Why? We do not know.
O: I dunno, but there are good vibes to you and I pleased.
Y: Ah thanks!
O: I also fall super ..
Y: But you're not convinced jajajaj
O: Haha
Here I was the stupidest kind of world. Both wanted, dreaming, not sleeping, thinking and when the time was not playing. Too bad it was. This Pipe was on the wrong path. Would have to straighten it or lose the opportunity she was presenting.

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