The beginning of a relationship brings us that we should put aside an unconscious selfishness. Previously, only think about ourselves and meeting our needs. The time and the years teach us that we must share with anyone what we are and how little or much we have. And that course is precisely that I'm doing. I have to understand and assimilate the fact of being with someone I should be to leave aside my selfish and personal thoughts and attitudes. That I'm learning from Oskar. My mind and attitude are taking me to turn around 180 degrees. Oskar, is looking after me. Want to know what happens to me and in fact I consider all their daily experiences since up until the day ends. So I have to change my mentality. I am not well. I've never been and I'm faced with a challenge that should allow me also be very honest in this relationship if you want her last. Otherwise I will be hard to sustain with Oskar, my child's behavior cocky and conceited. So far so good and apparently Oskar feels very good to me. From the first time, there has been not a single reproach and that means that we are living a special moment of happiness. Most curious of all this is happening, is that he never talked to Oskar that we would be partners or we were dating or something. Tacitly assume that the two relationship and so we're taking, no need for if there was a specific request to be legalized as a couple. However, I think, is the product of the need we had the two to integrate and find in each emotional absences had. So I think that was a beginning that will lead us to spend special moments in our lives. The only lunar, for now, is that both Oskar and I led a double life. To friends and family is a consummate hetero, but his inner self is like mine, where our inclinations, tastes and desires are different from the one shown to the people around us. But here, there is nothing to do and we must wait until they have endured hiding our relationship.
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