The days kept passing and the routine of my life little or no change, except that my mind was more focused on the figure of Oskar than anything else. I started to feel the desperation of a communication that never came. The phone rang and as soon as you hear my heart rate accelerated and the desire to realize the point of talking to Oskar, I felt the mood enough to answer the ringing. Several times that joy faded because it was the voice I expected to find the other side of the line. But when that time arrived, the acceleration and the taste became nervous and talked things without much sense. What an idiot my behavior. But is that finally someone in the flesh, a real person, I was shaking the floor. Our daily phone conversations were limited to knowledge of how they were our activities, we had done that day or the night before. It was a routine that only sought to find more things in common apart from ourselves and that eventually would have to be part of our budding friendship. I could not anticipate if, suddenly, this would lead to something else. Without doubt, we were in a normal process of growing our friendship. In one of those calls, I was surprised when at the end of it and using a lower pitch but perfectly audible, Oskar dared to launch this sentence, sometimes compromising, but full of meaning: Te Quiero. To this very spontaneous and I replied: Me too.
was the gag to be sure to understand, for where would our relationship. Sure, it is logical that there are various forms of love. I love many people and I really, outside of my family. I want friends who are dear to me and who never expect a rebuke by saying that I love. But the sense, as Oskar said it was totally different and so was my response. We started up the stairs of a strengthening relationship that was slowly but surely.
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