Milena Velba In A Shop
Encounter Encounter ...
Thereafter anxiety gripped me, I would be face to face with the elusive Oskar. It was great news but it was at the same time, the biggest challenge of my life. From there every evening he connected on msn and talked of many things. Our expectations, our hopes, our life projects. Love, heartache, likes and dislikes. The knowledge that we have of us was, I believe that completely. Even our manner of dress and taste of the palate in culinary matters. Had rarely been so aware of someone's life as I was in this short session to Oskar. The illusion is coming over me. I would finally find the right person to help me discover so many things in life and that for obvious reasons were those slumbering in the most secret of me. It was a crash course that I take one at a time predetermined steps that would follow from the time we were together. The week progressed and the day is approaching zero. On Thursday, the eve of our long-awaited meeting, we established that the time and was very adequate. That was better late, also because I had a school that allowed me to be so early to the appointment. So the 6 pm was an appropriate time. You can imagine the tension on the eve of our meeting?
not give details, but it was something I never want to live. It is very complicated and difficult to explain. I think many of our dear readers and will have happened and therefore not worth recount.
The day came. As a harbinger of what could spend the late afternoon, the sun was radiant, as rarely in recent months. A completely clear blue sky. These sunny days have always been inspired by beautiful things and certainly my meeting with Oskar would be a beautiful thing. The morning passed, lunch, afternoon and began the anxiety of knowing that would happen, the minutes were made eternal. But the hour drew nigh and then I was going the opposite phenomenon: it stops the clock. Definitely, so are human beings, when we want something we wanted to happen soon, but when we are focused on going to happen, we want to retreat.
At 5 and 30 pm I thought about not going to appointment. Whatever. Total does not know me and then I can give any lie and accept it safe. But my internist said, do not miss this opportunity, which may be the only and then this other person is not interested in establishing contact with me.
My house is relatively close to the site of the encounter. Walk do not spend more than 20 minutes. Then I quickly shower and change clothes me. I dressed normal: jeans, white sneakers, a blue polo shirt and a jean jacket. Among very sporty and casual, but keeping a good appearance. I remembered the saying that says "Love also enters the eye." I organize hair, fingernails and put on a little cologne. Very discreet not to fill the rooms of my aroma.
take 15 minutes to 6 pm I left my house, heading to the meeting site. My legs were trembling. My hands were shaking and I felt the speed of the pulse of my heart. That was bouncing out. Until I got to pee ... So silly, but it was the ingenuity and uncertainty of what was about to happen. Lucky I could leave my house without having to explain, because there was nobody. My mom was not there and my brother was in high school elective classes. Missing 10 for 6 and was still a bit away from the rendezvous. Lighten step. By good weather was clear. No dusk and that they would already be at 6 pm. A few minutes was on my anticipated meeting. 5 for the 6 missing was coming to Avenue 19 116. Was less than 4 blocks from our meeting. I still had the option to return and say goodbye to this appointment. I stopped waiting for traffic lights change, facing a bank branch. "I go or stay? It is cowardly to run away, had ever heard. And I said: What the fuck! Pa Lante, like the elephant ... Nice way to give me value hehe. Change traffic lights to green and went on my way. He was left on the platform, from west to east. Reached the expected time in the almost 17 years of existence. Missing 2 minutes 6. I felt the wet shirt sweat, for the walk. You're almost there, was a few steps from the ice cream, which has a place with tables outside and covered with a tent and a smaller one inside. When I put my foot at the entrance, there was only one person sitting. He had a light blue shirt and yellow diver neck. Longer than short hair. I was sitting sideways, meaning that if someone entered the site this person had a full picture of who came. I stood at the entrance and that person looked up to see me.
Hello, you Oskar? You
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