a crazy world these days we only hear that all the politicians in power, big business and the formulas they use to get us out of the crisis, they have been precisely those that do not have created and continue to have large benefits such as banking. Almost everyone has
magic formulas to overcome, but all are very similar to lower taxes, though I am a layman I wonder how being so smart and knowing both macroeconomics were able to get into this crisis that no one was waiting they who were on the boards of directors of large companies that need some have closed, and one had to ask for government aid to them great fortunes of money repayable españolitos all, they are precisely promoters lower taxes.
Having had several years of lower taxes with this government and previous ones read, bad personal income tax on high income, elimination of estate taxes, create SCAV that basically is a tax haven that is where the big fortunes refuge which only taxed 1%, of which the government and parliament remove competition and monitoring of these investments.
In recent years many have been the workers who have swelled the ranks of the unemployed with the new method is called ERE dismissal, I know many will say that a majority have been voluntary, but with fear and uncertainty of what can happen in the near future, and avocado seen in recent years of working life to have no social security contributions, that may lead to a lowering of the pension or in some cases not entitled to social security pension for not having traded in recent years
Well these same gentlemen who were sobrábamos workers over 52 years, they themselves approved a law in board of directors of their companies to continue working, gaining forgiveness after the retirement age in their companies is mandatory at age 65, I wonder these guys deserve these Sueldazo that we all pay them when they have been that got us into this crisis that is making crumble the pillars of capitalism, is unacceptable to keep them in companies that have signed a contract shielded to dismiss them if the need to give compensation millionaire, these same are the ones who are crying out to be cheaper dismissal, when all the workers know that in Spain the dismissal is free, although the judge of the right to worker the employer always has the last word ..
jerifaltes I think all these had to be unemployed claiming four hundred euros provided by the government to the unemployed who have no income. as well as paying a mortgage we pay almost all workers in order to have a house to shelter clear if not, Laquita the bank can not meet payments, keep asking dismissal freer than they are now but too. FAUSTINO CRESPO
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