# 1 - The Jonas Brothers are not separated!
# 2 - Nick Jonas is working on a project llamadoNick Jonas & The Administration
# 3 - This project will be launched in early 2010
# 4 - We are very excited about this project and what we are doing together!
# 5 - We intend to make music together for as long as we can.
To our dearest fans, a network news rocked on Nick Jonas & The Administration. We are very excited to share this with you ... OUR FANS.
about 6 months ago, the three were in a period of 2 weeks of touring, and we all decided to go and do something that was in our hearts. Joe went on a trip to Australia and New Zealand. Kevin spent nice moments with his girlfriend Danielle. I decided to go to Nashville, TN for a side project (Nick Jonas & The Administration) with 4 musicians - guys who had known and worked with them before. If I had to describe the sound of someone ... say that his "heart and soul" because the music I make comes from my heart, and the lyrics I write are my alma.Hemos said from the beginning of our career as the Jonas Brothers that anything we do outside the group will be a side project because we can not abandon our brothers. My brothers are my biggest supporters, and were on the phone every day with me while I was in the studio wondering how would the project, and I said they could not wait to hear the disco.Mis brothers and I could not be more excited to have these incredible opportunities as a group and as soloists. We are already planning another world tour as the Jonas Brothers this summer, and all thanks to our incredible fans.Estoy so excited to share more details about my project with you as we near the end of the year, but for now, Kevin, Joe and I have a concert in Venezuela!
Joe and Kevin:
We are very proud of our brother Nick. We know we'll make music together for the rest of our lives. But we are thrilled to hear these songs that were in his heart. They are wonderful works of art from an amazing talent ... of our brother. See you later this year, next year and hopefully for the rest of our lives. "A string of three cords is not easily broken, and one thing is sure ... this chain of three strings is now stronger than nunca.Son the best fans in the world, and love with all our corazón.JBKevin, Joe and Nick "Do you buy the new solo CD of Nick Jonas?
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