Monday, December 8, 2008

Are Oatmeal Squares Good For You


The PP has proposed to private hands the profitable parts of public health to do so, since coming to the regional government is carrying out a planned process of deterioration of health in Madrid objective of creating the false impression that the public does not work and the inevitability of privatization.
For Rivas, decline is increased due, in part to a series of demographic reasons (significant increase in population and children in pediatric age, high birth rates ...), and partly to non-compliance Lamela promises of Directors and Guemes (3 rd health center should be open 2007; increase template-physiotherapy in primary care, pediatrics, medical-personnel, development of medical specialties-ophthalmology, orthopedics, gynecology and obstetrics, ENT, and radiology, "possibility of having as a referral hospital Gregorio Marañón UVI ...). Thus the situation is as follows:
Specialized Care:
· Assignment forced the entire population of the peoples of the South to the hospital in Arganda, who at 9 months of its opening, has proved insufficient in size and specialties have a great shortage of human resources as well be owned and private ownership (the owners are FCC and Caja Madrid).
· Absence in practice in the hospital for a department of gynecology and obstetrics, because after the "flight" from 8 gynecologists, every day there is only one gynecologist "flyer" sent each day from a different hospital, to give the appearance that the service exists. Furthermore, the SERMAS press has been devoted to various gynecologist @ s of area 1 to "accept" Arganda transferred to hospital to try to bridge the gap of professionals. Calendar
· Blocking access to hospital specialists Arganda (this prevents the increase the waiting list), or when possible, first records for more than 6 months (compared with 40 days that promises Esperanza Aguirre).
· Limitations and all sorts of difficulties to choose specialists in the public hospital Gregorio Marañón (need to allocate population to Arganda).
· Templates frozen since 2007, bringing the decline in attendance is palpable: citations for medicine and pediatrics are giving general rule for 3-5 days, while those already in Physiotherapy more than 400 days!
· Announcement of the Ministry that the new health centers to be built and the Community will be privately run and apply existing from 2009 business-like criteria.
In this situation, only the continued mobilization of citizens across the Community of Madrid, to defend what all can stop the aggression of the PP. We are risking our health and our children.

· For the third health center and public property ownership and direct management. Not the end of youth health center.
· For the fulfillment of other promises (specialties, templates ...).
· For the right to be treated at the Hospital Gregorio Marañón.
· For the adequate provision of specialty and hospital workers in the private management of the South East (Arganda).
· By the repeal of Act 15 / 97, adopted with the votes of the PP and PSOE, and presented as "the instrument to modernize health care." But today we can see that has served to private companies for profit, and no relation to health (FCC, Caja Madrid, Sacyr Vallehermoso, Acciona, Dragados ...), have been owned for 30 years of new hospitals. We require the PSOE amendment / repeal, and which has enjoyed two terms with a majority to repeal it and not done so already, therefore it is collaborating with privatization. Health privatization would not have been possible without that law: the protection of public health is demonstrated by facts.
• In defense of quality public health.
· For the adequate provision of templates and specialties in the hospital of the Southeast.
· By the third clinic, public and direct management.
Do not the end of youth health center.
° against the privatization of health Madrid: repeal of the Act 15/97.
: Sunday December 14, 1912 hours, from Abogados de Atocha Street (metro Rivas Developments) to City Hall.
CALL: Citizens Movement in Defense of Public Health Rivas, ACER, Social Assembly of Rivas, Andrea Gonzalez Women's Association, Association of Women Clara Campoamor, Rivas Vaciamadrid Laymen's Association, Madrid Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, CAS Madrid, Centers Senior Rivas (three), Rivas CGT, CNT, Co.Bas, Current Red Entrepueblos Rivas, Guanaminos without borders, Anti-Capitalist Left (Espacio Alternativo), Young Communist League (UJCE), PCE, Stork Radio, Rivas Sahel, assembly-Union of Health, Solidarity XXI.


8/12/2008 I wish the English, in particular the people of Madrid, opened his eyes. For the English it is too late. The Labour government of Gordon Brown no longer supports alternative management models. Dr Sally Ruane, of De Montfort University (Leicester, England), studied since 1996 the impact of the management model PFI (Private Finance Initiative, for its acronym in English) in the British economy and society.
Its findings on this model the same as the government of Esperanza Aguirre (PP) has pushed into the Community of Madrid in the health sector are anything but encouraging.
"In England, in 2014, we have a deficit of 114,000 million '
explains the PFI model (where a private company builds the building and hires non-medical personnel) are leaving the public purse millions British debts. Dr. Ruane visited Madrid a few days ago, invited by the Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health (FADSP), to report adverse effects of privatization of health care in Madrid. With a Castilian with English accent, Ruane was highly critical of the privatization model that his country established a decade ago. However, he was confident that Madrid society is able to voice their rejection, to force the government to back down Aguirre in his endeavor.
What brought you to London?
am to inform people of what happened in England. We PFI privatization model for ten or 15 years and have accumulated a very high public debt. In England we have now 80 PFI projects in the health sector and there are 40 more in preparation. That means that by 2014 we will have a debt of 114,000 million euros, which will have to pay for the next 30 or 40 years.
"A satellite built by PFI hospital costs three times what they made as a public model"
Why is it so bad the funding model Private?
is a very expensive model, because there are more costs than revenues. A usual costs associated with the operation of a hospital must be added the high costs of bureaucracy and infrastructure. Moreover, being managed in part by a private company must generate sufficient profits and dividends for shareholders. The worst thing is that these costs have to be subtracted from operating income, which is a direct impact on health care, the services given to citizens.
As a private model, is better suited to market needs?
"In the long term prove the negative effect on the health of the citizens'
the contrary. In the public sector, specifically in health care is very important to maintain flexibility. In the health sector, the situation changes, for example, the prevalence of disease. But PFI contracts are long term and fairly static. This may distort the real priorities of health system planning.
What is the difference between English and the PFI model in Madrid?
More or less the same. There is a fee for cleaning services and also a charge for the use of the property, thus resulting in the debt. With another funding model, had not sought the benefit and all the money had been allocated to health care. What problems
PFI specific leads derived from the English health?
According to a study by a commission appointed by the British government in 2006 there was a significant correlation between the deficit in a hospital and the fact that it was PFI project. In 2006, 30% of all English hospitals had losses. The percentage increased to 50% by taking into account those who were managed by companies. These hospitals had to cut staff and beds removed.
When this situation started in England?
The first PFI hospital opened a decade ago. The model was introduced earlier, but the negotiation of a PFI takes years because it is a contract muy complejo. Negociar también es caro, ya que hay que contratar a asesores financieros... En la ciudad donde vivo, las negociaciones han costado 23 millones de libras [unos 28 millones de euros]. Los gastos para negociar los primeros hospitales PFI representaron el 4% del valor total del edificio.
¿Hubo oposición allí? ¿Cómo fue el proceso?
Los sindicatos se opusieron a la introducción de este modelo de gestión, pionero en el mundo. Y fueron capaces de prever lo que iba a pasar. Los hospitales salen muy caros, las condiciones de trabajo han empeorado horriblemente, se han reducido los puestos de trabajo, hay menos servicios para la población... Con la privatización, baja la calidad care. Moreover, an investigation by the University of Manchester based on the first 12 PFI hospitals were built, has revealed that the interest paid to leave the building and management of privately owned hospital is 8%, where a model half had been traditional. It is estimated that each hospital building via PFI costs three times the cost of a public model. Furthermore, as the contract is 30 to 40 years, it is impossible to predict what will happen. With ten of the top 12 hospitals, contracts were not specific enough and there is more spending than expected. When the hospital needed to change something, the private consortium asked the government to be paid more, and much of this was not planned.
Do you know how the model, beyond the public debt is, has affected people's health?
others are being reconfigured health services to pay the additional costs of hospitals, which is not justified. For example, as beds are removed, we ordered to reduce the number of hospital admissions. There are currently no conclusions about the impact of this management on the health of citizens, but in the long term prove a negative.
Is not no turning back in England?
I think it is important to note that the PFI is a policy Gordon Brown. The Government gives no option to build hospitals in the traditional way, ie the hospital building and managing all services from the Administration. This model is implemented, especially in England. But in Scotland have paralyzed and try to promote an alternative fund for hospital development. Moreover, Wales and Northern Ireland are trying to manage their hospitals in a market system remote. I think it's possible to find an alternative to PFI. But in England it is difficult to change, because we already have too many of these projects underway.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pokemon Crystal For Vba


Friday, November 28, 2008

Programma Per Scheda Pinnacle 150e/55e



judicial awards in USA
The Stella Awards are a court awards are given annually in USA
to expose its ridiculous judicial system.
These awards are named after Stella Liebeck, who, in 1992,
the age of 79 years, was injured by the fall out from
McDonalds over coffee burning her to varying degrees.
was compensated with $ 2.9 million. Since then, the coffee cups
warns that the content is hot and its

Kathleen Robertson of Texas was compensated with $ 780,000 by a jury after breaking
ankle after tripping and falling because
of a child who was running in a kitchen store. The store owners were surprised
by being forced to pay that amount,
even more knowing that the child had behaved so badly
was the son of Mrs. Robertson. SIXTH PLACE

Carl Truman of Los Angeles and 19 years, won $ 74,000 plus medical expenses
when a driver ran over his hand with
car, a Honda Accord. Carl Truman did not
realized he had someone at the wheel of the car when he began to steal the hubcaps. FIFTH PLACE

Terrence Dickson, of Pennsylvania, was leaving a house after
to steal, and decided to leave the garage. He was unable to leave through the garage door
because it was broken, and when trying to return to the home
realized that the door connecting the two rooms was
one-way and could not leave or return home.
family was on vacation and Mr. Dickson was locked in the garage
for 8 days. To survive, he did so based
Pepsi and a large bag of dog food she found. Denounce the homeowner
for moral damages suffered by the incident, and the jury agreed
to compensation from the owner put the thief at $ 500,000. FOURTH PLACE

Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware, successfully sued the owner of a pub
nightlife in the city when she fell from the bathroom window
the ground and broke his teeth on the floor. This
occurred while Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the window
the ladies room to avoid paying the $ 3.50 account. The
owner had to pay $ 12,000 and dental expenses. THIRD PLACE

A Philadelphia restaurant had to pay $ 113,500 to Amber
Carson, after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx
. This liquid was on the floor because she had thrown her boyfriend
half hour earlier during an argument. SECOND PLACE

Jerry Williams of Arkansas, received $ 14.500
most medical expenses after being bitten in the ass by his neighbor's dog. The
dog was in a cage in the garden of his owner
locked. The compensation was less than perceive the jury a
some provocation in the fact that Mr. Williams was
shooting the dog from above the cage with a ball

Mr. Merv Grazinski, Oklahoma City, in November 2000 bought a caravan
Winnebago brand of large (which are both car and caravan
). On his first trip, being on a highway,
setting device selected cruising speed
70 miles per hour (I 120 km / h) and went back to prepare a coffee
with caravan up at this speed.
not surprising that the truck / camper continue straight and take the
tangent at the first corner and collided. Mr. Grazinski upset
denounced Winnebago for not warning in the manual that the programmer
speed is not an autopilot that takes corners, braking when
is necessary and even stops the vehicle if necessary whatsoever. Therefore,
was awarded $ 1,750,000 plus a new trailer. Currently, Winnebago
warns that fact in their manuals, in the case
that some other idiot to buy one of their vehicles.
After that, who else is surprised that the questionnaire
you out on the plane when you go to the U.S. to ask you if you commit a crime or an act
terrorist? However
others were taken to the electric chair without proof or evidence more than doubtful, but that if the largest of the cases are black or Hispanic

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Help I Think I Have Macromastia

Today December 27 mayoral tenure vaciamadrid Rivas was handed to the mayor by CITIZEN MOVEMENT IN DEFENSE OF PUBLIC HEALTH RIVAS 8600 signatures collected by this movement and in this county, in the case of Rivas, deteriorating public health is greater, due, in part to a series of demographic reasons (significant increase in population and children in pediatric age, high birth rates .. ...), and partly to the unfulfilled promises of Directors Güemes Lamela and the 3 rd health center should have opened in 2007, increased template Physiotherapy in primary care, pediatrics, medical-personnel, development of medical specialties-ophthalmology, orthopedics, gynecology and obstetrics, ENT, and radiology, "possibility of having as a referral hospital Gregorio Maranon and UVI.
has been asked the mayor to make a motion from the council in defense of public health and the repeal of the law 15/97, also been told that the land be ceded by this council for a public and that if the community of Madrid wants to make it private land them back to this council, the mayor has told us notes the feelings of the citizens of Rivas and keep us informed, we also asked that the next meeting you have with the Minister of Health would like that this meeting would have a representation of this movement, we've answered that for us we are happy to be at that meeting.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kasneb Syllabus Part2 Section Three

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How Many Inches Of Snow Will Cancel A Flight

All it's over, Baby Blue

must go now, take what you need
what you think it will last,
But that you want to keep,
'd better take it fast.
Over there is your orphan with his gun, Crying like a fire
in the sun.
Look, the saints are coming and everything and ended
, Baby Blue.

The highway is for gamblers, better use your conscience
grab what you saved by chance.
The poor painter from your streets is drawing crazy
on your sheets.
The sky, too, is folded under you and everything and ended
, Baby Blue.

All your sailors sick, home row

All your defeated army back home.
The lover who just got out of your door,
taken all his blankets from the floor.
The carpet, too, is moving under you.
and all it's over, Baby Blue.

Quit your steps,
someone calls you.
Forget the dead you left,
not follow you.
The vagabond who knocks on your door, takes the clothes
were once yours.
Turns another match, and everything and ended
, Baby Blue.

Disney Shrek And Fiona Wedding

Rick (2): Remember a Day - The Love Scene - Summer of 68 and other

Remember a Day

The Love Scene

Summer of 68

Us and Them (the making of dark side of the moon , Rick talks about Miles Davis in Breathe)

The Great Gig in the Sky (live rich rich hot hot)

Summer Elegy

Breakthrough .....
when you know how to f% ck music downloader on the blog page there will be no need for this

Members Entrance Pattycake


went Monday 15.

Post-Requiem a great music.
left us without saying goodbye
enough. You, poet of space, artilugista earthly found the Olympus in the banal, as necessary, or very little at a time. Shine on high, you become at that great gig in the sky, we talked.

got your little school of architecture with an interest in jazzy blues. But you enroll with a group of children burned to make space music. While little crazy Syd skyward as soon as possible, had to fend for their own way. For some time luciste you, what chords, which melodies, lyrics so beautiful. The small group of children oxidized low England grew to be a mega band, but with much to give, much to burn yet.

Meddle was foreboding, a cochinadita called Dark Side of the Moon, led to the ether pure, how beautiful it is Us and Them and The Great Gig at the Sky, where you are more present. An album where all, a perfect album.

Then began the melancholy of little Roger, Syd album, an album to Orwell and colossal explosion between you and Lil 'Rog. You left the group, did your solo, you came back again but apart from everything. Maybe you thought that was too much rest after all the excitement, rest of fame, of conflict, become an isolated, create your wall, becoming a song.

A premature death, unexpected. Unknown to many was your evil, just saw you at Live 8, Dave concert, hoping to see you again soon shine. Too bad that all was over and I do not know if it was good or better in any case, your memory and your work are much larger. Adios

Rick, meanwhile promise and hack off your work freely, look at you with fixing the videos and make bad covers of your music. Back to my world a symphony directed by you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Is Cervical Lordosis

been almost seven months since the last time I wrote for the blog. It was a serious commitment that had taken but a number of circumstances led me to leave al · son · Totally abandoned. No, and I still wonder what that tracks or leave loose ends, for the initiation of a sort of persecution of my clandestine forays into the world of the gays. Every time I stopped the pc, immediately came to find a hand history or try to open folders that were created intentionally. Of course there are now several programs that help us no0 trace, by the way that we per page or readings that may not always be that our parents wanted us to do. Several times they asked me some, dual intent and malice, that I spent doing for so long in front of the pc. With the recommendations that the internet is dangerous, there are unscrupulous people who abuse and exploit the weak and innocent, anyway.
also became (my parents) incisors to the topic of girlfriends and friends, a situation that I had to dodge skill. That if he had a girlfriend, who was alleviating her, would not have lunch today where the grandmother because I meet her, etc etc. But in this case the situation becomes untenable because the mother's sixth sense, leads them to think beyond a simple answer to give them a lie or a machine that never goes as initially conceived, the nerves that gives us think we are going to be discovered.
To avoid this persecution and permanent marking, I definitely stay away from the internet. Never again rewrote until today, not to visit those pages so special, lol, let me poke out MSN. My relationships were well underway with NN went completely in the refrigerator until totally frozen. The hints to classmates and friends stopped altogether. All I had to do with gay, shelved in a safe and forgot the key. Could not live a chase worse than the Cold War. It was not easy, but it was better to be ostracized, to be living the torture of an inquisition about my behavior, although they were always treated very discreetly and secretly, ended up believing my parents. In front of my brother, fortunately, never did mention his concerns and I think he did not know much about what happened. Say this in a nutshell is what motivo0 me not to return for this blog.
The past few months and following this situation, allowed things gradually return to its normal course. The trust was recovered and at this time could mean that the child quiet, be quiet again. U (a tactic that uses and which eventually gave me results, was to ask my father about everything that happened to me, in all fields. Then it was a very open and trusting and so achieve the recovery of the lost.
course the bad taste is always events and I want that kind of episodes do not come back to be present in my life.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Community Service Reccommendation Letter

After the storm calm returns ..!

After so long away, I think it is time to take this commitment ... In brief return to my story ...

Monday, September 1, 2008

What Are The Mac Controls For Pokemon Leaf Green

One question ... Coca

Well, both insisted that in the end you decide and you'll have the second. It is also true that some had wanted. And at age 50 should be more difficult to become pregnant. Then again the old questions: "Are you happy?". "Mmsssseee ... berp!", You get to meet in the middle of nausea that comes and goes. Am I happy to be pregnant?, You wonder. It is not safe. Are you happy to have a child? Yes, of course, but that missing a few months.
The nice thing about this second pregnancy (although they may suspect that may also occur with the first) is that it adds another question: "Do you were looking for?". First response, which comes to his lips: "What do you care?". Second, more kind: "Y. .. yes ... you get pregnant by accident at age 38 is not very common ...". Now, seriously, do you really care if you were taking uterine temperature? If I had sex every other day? What if you had bought a Evaplan? Why ask this question?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How Strong Is American Combination Lock


As we argue in the book of our own, so you must learn a new mother is to raise her son but to defend those who say all the time, how should raise their child. And the aunts Cocas never rests: they are the ones who tell you that the baby is hungry, you took the time not sleeping because you are nervous and sure that your milk is not enough. What happens is that these aunts Cokes are very concerned about you. All the time. In fact, are you ever wondered when you thought you were a child. Of course before that they had insisted on the idea that it was time for you to put the bride and, shortly thereafter, swelled with the little matter of marriage. Very well: now you have the baby. But there is a problem: the little one is already big, and you know that Aunt believes Coke? That boy needs a sibling. So, dear, to see when you put the batteries, lest you've decided to have one child, poor thing. And if you chose to wait a few years old to bring another human into the world, Coca aunt disagrees. Sabelo. Because you're going to be great. It is best now. Dale. Do you know what horn are you doing? Why waste your time to live your life when you should be designing the little brother? Huh?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tamil Wordings Marriage Invitation

The mother of all Happy Birthday and expensive

If you are pregnant or had a child, it is clear that you're mother. Or mom. Or mom. O mama. And not only your child, no. Mom Sos to the greengrocer, manicure and the lady that takes the pressure off you at the pharmacy. "Look, Mommy, do you run a little bit so you can pass the lady?" Asks the bus driver. "Over here, Mom up the stairs you will find the area of \u200b\u200bboulders," the vendor tells you business strollers strollers. And if you answer something like "I'm not your mommy, you're going to look weird. For not only the mom of all resources, but also the mere fact of being a mother makes you, immediately, in a tender woman, patient and tolerant. And with a new virtue, in the case of many: worship to all children of the earth, not just yours. What if it turns out that despite being a mother you're the same crazy as ever? What if it turns out that only you have the patience to your child and her friend that you like and hate the other children? What if you decide not to wear jeans and bag enterito of bears and you dress in black? "You're a bad mother, then?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How To Build A Zulu Beehive House

must be arranged birthday. Four months earlier, at least. Why? For the kingdom of children's birthday rooms is taken, reserved, occupied. No place. But if we are in July and the birthday is in November! I can offer on Tuesday from 2:00 to 3:30. The infant industry grows and grows little party and nothing stops her. And parents spend on that basis. Because you can try to do a meet "as before": at home, a movie, some drinks, some chizito, cake and nothing else. Ja. After that, keep your house, the quiet and love the baby is practically impossible. Is that children today come setpoint for birthdays in the lounge, with entertainer yelling into the microphone, junk food, piñata, souvenirs and the sea by car. And do not miss anything because someone is going to claim: "In no Nehuén birthday piñata." What is it? Nehuén mom must hate pinatas, that moment where the children pounce on a handful of candy and at least five complete tears and empty-handed. The conclusion, therefore, no escape, must be for children's birthday pass just like that of all his friends. And make eye originality. Happy, happy in your day. Comment

Friday, June 27, 2008

Breakfast Cereal Glycemic

Quick answers to comments inappropriate II

with any questions, all deemed authorized to speak again and her child: "And the lady who cares, is it reliable?".
Answer a mother who wants to neutralize his opponent: "No, it's a serial killer and is free on bail he paid me."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blue And Gold Program Samples

to mourn, my love

So we are. So are we.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Parts For My New Bright Rc Car

Not today, baby, my head hurts

seems that when one becomes a mother changes everything. But all. So personality. Suddenly, a woman who wanted to avoid children, must now worship. In all, not just their own. And, moreover, have to play with them. Why? Does the baby is not going to garden? Is there no teachers who play at least three hours for a paycheck? Does the woman who cares not play enough? Do not you also receive a salary for that work? What happens is that the baby wants to play with Mom. And the mom gets tired from work, wanting to zap, and the obligation to bathe the baby, warm the food and finish some chores. But above all, the problem is that the mom does not like to play. Bored. Gets tired. Prefer to do adult things. Is it a bad mother? Place

Monday, June 9, 2008

Old Women In Panty Girdles


public. A child throws a tantrum incredible. It is not ours. Relief. Joy. Unparalleled pleasure. Question

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Homemade Long Distance Diy Wifi Antenna

Quick answers to comments inappropriate (I)

someone, anyone, everyone, to a mother who begins to nurse: "And you are sure you have good milk?". Response
a mother begins to breastfeed: "No, sometimes I have very, very bad milk."

Thursday, June 5, 2008

How Long You Need To Stay Home With Bronchitis

A this guy lacks a limit

You know what? A guy that lacks a limit. It's true. The kid is insatiable. Is never satisfied. He always wants more. And guess who's to blame? Obviously, mom. And eventually, Dad. And what do you do? What begins now? Already has five years will not change. Does it? On second thought, it may still be on time ... Well, let's start now: you take a bath at 7 and a half, eat at eight and go to bed at ten. Are we? No, it seems that we are not. Because it worked once and then ran, ran, and again are the twelve o'clock and the baby is awake watching The Fairly OddParents. We needed limits, yes. But they can not take another? Because it gives a lot of lazy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Remove Write Protectionusb

"Opaque or transparent?

We know that to be a mom there be prepared. A lot. In fact, I told all the time and everywhere. But there are things that no one prepares you. For example: why once the baby is born, people do not look at you more? Or worse: not only you but you look through your eyes like you're transparent. But if even two days ago asking you all for your physical and emotional state. "Do you feel okay?", "Have you eaten?", "Do you want to bring you a almohadoncito?." And now, nothing. Or just "How's the little thing?" "Did you eat?", "Did you pee?", "Did you poop?", "How What color? ". How did the world changed so suddenly? Or is that those eight kilos who remained in the delivery room did you disappear from the face of the earth? Now, you're no longer a person in need of attention, no. Now, you're a pair of tits that do not deserve even a glass of water. "What do you want?" Can tell us. "If there is a creature who just left unprotected in a world with inflation and conflicts with the field ... we have to deal with." What happens, and they do not understand is that this creature is you unprotected. Because the newborn, fortunately, is who will protect them. Tip: Talk with two or three friends and anoticialas you follow that still exist. Pedilen water, breaded to the freezer and an ear on your distress puerperal. That's all you need.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is Bulk Barn Whey Protein Powder Good

Glory Holes In Jax Florida

Masturbation Masturbation II

The title of the previous post leads me to reflect on what has been happening for me for several months and it's my frank and ongoing addiction to masturbation, straw or manuela. For more I try to set aside the usual me is impossible. The reasons which lead me to this are many: The excitement at seeing a guy're good at school or on the street, the frictions that can be achieved with someone, I see pornography on the Internet (another addiction I'm trying to quit); comments about sex I hear from my colleagues at the time of recess. The immediate reaction is to take my hand to the crotch, but unfortunately in public that can not be done, then just when I go home and before anything else, I shut myself in my room and my mind start a parade of images seen or imagination begins to fly and break me in naked bodies and imaginations of flaccid penises and straight friends and strangers. A process that takes me about 15 minutes, after which a shower makes me way to start my homework or my weekend break. I have had days of straw 2 or 3 in one session and sometimes a feeling of not being totally satisfied my excitement at night before bed, let's use another massage me with her notorious erotic images in the imagination. I heard that straw is normal and natural and the comments I have made my friends do every day more, but what worries me about my case, is that for every sexual thing I can think or remember, I have an erection and if I can a I do me. I think it's terrible having to go to a doctor sexologist make the consultation, unless a "pinch loco" (psychologist) or my dad, I think it's so intimate and so personal that does not deserve to be aired in public, but if you discuss it with someone close to help me out of this uncomfortable situation. Another thing I like is that after I finish, I have a regret and an uncomfortable feeling that tells me internally, it is wrong that I should not repeat I should find other activities that tilt away from me morbid pleasure me alone. Although I must confess that is one of the most delicious things I can have on the secret of my privacy. Sometimes I think that by not sharing in frequent sex with someone, my hormones riotous clamor and movement and action required from me, so that they can be happy and enjoy my being gay in the process of finding the path of love and companionship of a good partner. But as it happens, I play to continue giving out to my excitement, with a good manuela.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On The Bus Scene Grope

Here again ... that stop this bad habit left corner of my life that allows me to record what happens to me, but sometimes not enough time to do everything he wanted .. But the important thing is that here I am again. Before anything, I just wanted to thank you for your visits and readings, is the water that gives life and excitement to the stories that we each in our lives and constantly feed us in all our activities. The school is within normal. There is not new, the usual that I can not resist certain teachers and gives me a total tedious having to get to class ... but there is nothing to do, we must fulfill our duties. My relationships with my peers are equal, with some total indifference with others, a little more closeness and more ... much closer. And of those closest speak today. This is Memo (fictitious name), since they started classes this year, note that the boy wanted to establish a friendship and felt that he wanted to be closer to me, though I did not stop balls (paid attention), he insisted , a recess is approaching me, invited me ice cream, cake or soda or anything used as an excuse to be with me. Actually I had never been careful, because it seemed an ordinary guy with nothing to my attention is that goes unnoticed, there is nothing you say mmmm that looks good today, or that good body, or something well. But for education, I attended your questions, comments and occasionally received their gifts, but really I was afraid or lazy, to commit to because, I repeat, no catches my attention. Commit, in the sense of having, then, to pay their favor, with other favors, or group work tasks or outings with peers. But hey, I got to thinking, that it was not fair to him, ignore it and until he lunges for the simple fact that was not to my liking, then choose Exit to assist and try to support their impertinence. He perceived my change of attitude became more attentive, more special, but just as friendly, giving motive to three times invited me to his house to do homework, but honestly I was very Mamer (laziness) to be with him at his home. It would have been another one pint (beautiful) had attended an invitation, but Memo, no nothing. So the days passed, until last week as fuck (insisting) I told him how good he would go home the next time we were working in groups and that time was Monday. Work in Biology, a group of 5 mates had to prepare a presentation on ways to recover natural resources. Given word, word fulfilled, they say. There is no escape. Trying to avoid this commitment, on Friday I said that to meet the 5 was too much, to agree because it was too complicated. I suggested that we meet 3 and 2, draw and division of labor for the time we left it to surrender and work. We all agreed less Memo, he argued, with some reason, when to lift, the risk would not be all knowledgeable about the investigation and the teacher could take advantage of that and get a bad grade everyone, but I'd say, that after each group did their part, did a meeting and ensamblábamos everything and there would be no problem with that. Al Memo final formula was the winner and it was agreed to the work of 5. When we left we would go to class on Monday Memo's house and we would do it touched. This was done. At 4 and 5 to 15 arrived home from a we stand in the room to study and work. We ate a light, we continue to prepare the employee and labor. We made a couple of breaks where we use to talk shit but if we studied very, very disciplined. We ended up at 8 and a half of the night and everyone was taking their path. I went with two colleagues who live relatively close to my house, but Memo, insisted that I stay for one final review writing. I said no, it was late, but told me that he would ask his father to take me to my house seemed like a good idea, because taking bus at that hour is half boring. We reviewed the work, two or three corrections and ready. At 9 and five were unemployed. Call my house and told Mom already went there not to worry that the father of a friend take me to the house. Memo invited me to his room, he began to change clothes, took off his shirt for the first time I saw him bare-chested and really impressed me, marked but not exaggerated muscles, either striking, without a single hair, then will change his pants but I could not watch it because I saw and it was very evident when he looked into the package as soon ended with his change of clothes, sports became, he said I went to the bathroom and back already. I was sitting in the chair opposite the desk is where is the pc, spent like 5 minutes and did not come then I got up and went to the bathroom, where he was supposed to be on, to arrive back was to the door , which was ajar, and was delivered to a good masturbated, standing and facing the toilet. Seeing him in those, I could not stand to see a little more and I felt my instant erection, the head leaned back and pajeaba right hand, with the other hand seemed to also stroked down but not back could know, to avoid being seen spying, I turned to her room and wait for you sitting in the same chair. A while back and said battery which was the delay? Not something I fell ill and I'm not stomach it, I replied. If I like, I'm like maluco (sick), lend me the bathroom and go, ok, I said. I went to the bathroom, locked the door and started sniffing around everywhere, of course, smelled like semen and had tiny drops on the floor, those that come with such force that one never knows where they end up arriving. I went out fast in the bathroom and asked him to expedite the exit to my house because it was too late. I must confess that excite me masturbate him and he is only seen from behind, but I think I see someone else do it, is wonderful and if spying is much better because it is an intimate act and no matter secret if the player is or is not to our liking, masturbation is something that I feel delightfully complicit in our reality of gay.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Pates Playground Hardcor

only sport I

It's almost been a week since school started and there is nothing interesting. My friend who I talked at some time, this indifference, it seems that family became better because I get this year walking on clouds. Since it happened and if you miss the loser is. I give little importance to these issues, when certain people like to show pictures to be important and at the end are poor idiots have not beaten anybody. Anyway. On Friday I had since the first evaluation and think I went well, I hope to be able to get good averages being physical and not have headaches later. With NN we saw on Saturday afternoon but for a few minutes as they celebrated the birthday of the mother and were to be of celebration that afternoon and evening at home. I said I wanted to talk but unfortunately only be until the weekend because Sunday is usually very difficult because we are all family lunch and it is difficult to establish a rendezvous with friends. That's the part I do not like much of the weekend, one can not dedicate to the friends almost no time, everything must be for the family, but not that it is bad, but should be well compensated. Today at school I had PE and exercises that I had to do, the teacher put us in pairs, and my luck I had with one of the guys that I like, but anything, for that of heterosexuality, but the enjoyment is full just by looking at you, sometimes rosarle leg or simply take in the waist to help you jump. It is a distant relation but close to, but eventually all of a sudden, we can bring bring a friend, who removed, hahaha. With the friend I was at the farm on holiday, we were talking a while ago by MSN and I get very horny talk to him. Says things which immediately put me to the imagination. Says he'll see if I came to Bogotá Holy Week, which is not very safe, but that will do everything possible. Otherwise there is not much against it by today.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fibroids And Aching Legs

A Study Gentlemen!

After the holiday break and now more aware of what I played from now on, I began my return to school yesterday. I get to 10 degrees and no variants in the matters I have to study. The same Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Religion, English, Biology, ICT, Social, Music, English, Art and Performing Arts. There is nothing different from what last year's routine. The heaviness (boredom) I get to produce Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, everything else is bearable and even fun so do not worry me much. I did not like that I have new teacher in Mathematics and added it is a class that little or nothing I like gives me the impression that the guy is a blade (poor people), since we are alerted because I do not think the going to go very well. Of English, which is also new, it is quiet and easy to adapt to it. The other teachers are the same as last year, so I'm not worried because I know them and them to me and I do well with them and have never had academic problems because of it. As the staff of new guys, they came several that ufff are not to withdraw the hearing and have a little something with them is a task I take 10 months and I am sure that at the end of the course will have a positive balance of what has been achieved with one ... I hope .. jejejej. The routine remains the same up at 5 and 30, hot shower, quick breakfast and at 6 and 15 to be waiting for the route to take me to school, to be there at 6 and 45 to start the day at 7 am and finish at 3 and 45. I got home at 4 and 20 to do homework, go online, check my mail, read blogs I read. write if I have something to write, finish homework, watch a little tv, a short chat and wings 9 ½ to 10 in the bed. The big problem is that I am too sleepy and so there are times that it pays the afternoon because I'm really sucked if (tired) I sleep a little and when I realize it's been almost an hour and a half or two hours of sleep. Otherwise, my day today was calm, there was little academic activity yet. This week is relaxed, because teachers also are placing and knowing their courses and students, but on Monday and the activity will be fully and completely and irreparably to Study Lords, as the course director.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Brogues Rapishare

And so ended the Vagaciones

very late and I've been a little messed up with this blog, but now that they are normalized activities it will be different. End off the unfinished story of my vacation. After that impromptu measurement of our members, became a bit indifferent and try to avoid. I thought it was normal. Nobody likes to publicly declare his homosexuality and I think he had that regret later. We, my brother, we got to the pool and went. I found an insensitive attitude, too, because, again, fu he who always took the initiative and led what we did. Did not give much importance to their indifference. But sooner or later the fall again. Day and a half passed before we could talk again. Was leaving the restaurant, I scope and saw and was asked what was wrong and I answered and before a somewhat lighter step to keep my conversation. Take by the arm and frentie, looked at me and tells me you want? I say, just talk, what happened why these boar? (Annoying) for anything I say and try to wriggle out of my hand but I pushed hard and can not get rid of me. I followed him to his side and his pace. Do not get loose until you tell me which is what you get with me. He said nothing. But I went along with him, walking at the same speed he was carrying. We followed a road leading to the pool, but it was clear that the intention was not to hit the water, at least I did not intend that. Suddenly, he stopped and confronted me saying, okay, that's what you want, nothing else explain to me what happens to you, a brief explanation and I'm quiet, I said. What happens is that we did the other day was not well done, well done was clear that I said, do not see that there was a tie, since then referred to the action itself, it was clear that he felt bad so. I tried to change the comment, not to feel bad. No quiet, that there are times you do and you think you should do it and one ends later repented. But do not worry, nothing happened. And no one will know. I hope, that do not tell anyone, I would die of shame, he said. You do not have to worry, do not worry. I let my arm and let go his way. I return to the room I change clothes and headed back to the pool. There were many people and it would be pleasant to be there, soaking up the sun and letting my thoughts help me understand what this boy had in his head. I fell asleep about 10 minutes and whistles of some children woke me up and just as hot strength of the sun. I stood and without looking, no detail in anything or anyone, I dove into the water. It was refreshing and comforting to feel the freshness of produce to be there, after a strong sunstroke. I dove a few times and stay afloat, I find myself face to face with this guy other time. I understood nothing. Less than half an hour telling me that it takes me wrong and now in the place where it should be. However, I said Hello, decency and returned only to plunge; not mean it is a great swimmer, but I defend myself, lol. I went across the pool (across, not along) and I stood there with his back to the place where he was supposedly on. Suddenly underwater feel someone is touching me my parts over the bathing suit and my reaction was to retreat back and away from the edge of the pool, when I do this emerges from the left side of my stars in this history and with plenty of anger and aggressiveness while pawed, I say, and you hear him? Went crazy or what? He is looking at me and tells me I could not resist, perhaps, I said recently that what we did was wrong and now what do you do if this well done? Forgive me, but I wanted to do and do not tell me you do not like. No, I did not like, because you have taken by surprise and totally unprepared and I do not like. Thus ended the short dialogue. My position at that moment was to me the offense was eager yy if he would come to me and I could take better advantage of this situation. I quickly dived and swim to the other side and this time do not wait days to get back front and it happened. A few minutes later came and it was at my side. I made the indifferent and agitated voice for the effort I apologize. I do not answer anything and I pretend to be indifferent, then go back and touch me and I refused. What do you want? I asked between angry and upset (but willing, inside jajaj). I like you, he said. Ummm and fell ... it was what I thought. And you want to do? Whatever, he said. I do not know, I replied. Get out of here and go somewhere else, I invite you. I do not want to leave here I'm fine. To these was half erect and not know it could end this story. The I on the same side and I rose the thigh with his penis REDUR. Of course mine reacted the same way and although he retired almost immediately I could feel all the splendor of the much coveted toy. There was more to do. I had to go to see how far he could go. I asked as we go? Your tranqui, follow me and you. The water came and I followed at a safe distance, although not many people could not do things that would draw attention. He walked toward the showers are outdoors. They took a cold shower and then went into the men's toilets. All he was doing, I repeated it to keep track of it. As soon as I enter the bathroom closed the door. I opened and was there waiting for me. He said locked. Took off his bathing suit and approached to me naked. His body very well formed. More or less hairless. A penis as normal but very straight and looking up and testicles large but proportionate to the size of their penis. Fully erect. This is the first time I do this, but it's definitely attract me much and I like you too. When he had said that I embrace and started kissing me, caressing me time. I was under the pants bathroom and started sucking me, then told me to do the same with him and I started to suck. Less than 10 minutes were enough for both of us we came in abundance. After we clean, we kiss and we left there, the first and after a while I got myself. This was the first serious encounter with him. Two nights later we did himself in a room you move from an uncle who is back and that was better because for the first time I really enjoy being 69. There was no penetration or other contacts, because the truth is neither was prepared for that. But I can say I liked what I shared with him. After the vacation he went to her land to mine and I MSN and Cell are in contact. What I had not done so far, I'm doing with it, virtual sex and hot talk on the phone. It is important not to lose contact to see when we will reconvene. That was the best thing that ever happened in the beginning of the year. NN my friend, just returned to the Sunday night of your vacation and began teaching what we have not had a chance to speak. And left for the weekend is when we can find in front of the building. Tuesday classes began, and had to get up early and arrived at Cole at 7 AM. It's absurd what plays early to arrive on time. Today was not anything, just the routine of classes that we will see this year, teachers who dictate to us and an occasional peek at the new guys and old. Some even more grown up, but formaditos and others remain just made recently .. jajajaj.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Old 35mm Camera Diagram


Again, COLOMBIA, say NO to violence.