From the U.S. Embassy and sometimes torrential rain manifestation has gone to Israel, during the tour were chanted with signs for peace and that Israel abandoned the Gaza Strip and let humanitarian aid reach, so far not allowed to pass.
The U.S. embassy was taken under heavy security, the police had to a tank and several cars of riot police ready to act at any time, of course no comparison with what was shown in Israel's entire police siege with an arsenal of guns each, certainly more sophisticated than just seeing them as scary (imagine if they charge) at the end under police surveillance has read this statement. Before the offensive
Israel's military, by land, sea and air on Gaza, which is again the star of another episode of brutality and impunity of the State of Israel - in the context of occupation suffered by the Palestinian people, which lasts for decades - the organizations gathered here show our sorrow and outrage for crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli state in Gaza, especially the genocidal plan deployed intensively for more than three weeks that has left 1,400 dead and over 5,500 injured.
Prior to this criminal action in the Gaza Strip and a half million people locked up and under siege already being condemned to suffer an absolutely inhuman situation. Private basic food, clean water, health care, electricity and infrastructure that Israel was responsible for destroying detail. The situation is already catastrophic valued with a population desperate and hopeless by the degree of permissiveness and international consent to such savagery and brutality applied by Israel. So what is happening in Gaza in the eyes of all is scandalously immoral and a disgrace to humanity. The collective punishment that involves the total closure of borders imposed by Israel has no other purpose than to drag to despair and death to the entire population, which meant, in fact, an intention of genocide.
Criminal barbarity in Gaza, which has suffered massive and devastating bombings, including the use of phosphorous bombs, and subsequent ground invasion, has shown no mercy against tens of thousands of people affected by the destruction of their homes, especially in the thousands of deaths and injuries (children and families). Attacks on medical personnel, medical facilities, ambulances, shelters, mosques, journalists, UNRWA facilities, and others under the umbrella of United Nations, are a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions, international law and principles of the Rights Human.
denounce the passivity and complicity of governments and international institutions once again have become complicit in this genocide, and we demand immediate action to stop massacres such as occurred Gaza, and recognize the legitimacy of the Palestinian people, as busy, to defend against the brutal occupation of Israel.
This new and particularly lethal episode revealed, once again, the need to settle the same for compliance with all United Nations resolutions and international courts of Justice in order to achieve these objectives and to be resolved the cause of the conflict, which is none other than the occupation.
to this task would have to engage without delay and within the United Nations, its main actors, collaboration with the countries of the region and major world powers. The right of the Palestinian people to establish a sovereign state is the necessary foundation of any just and lasting solution that facilitates the peaceful coexistence of Palestinian and Israeli peoples.
We demand our government so that contributes to ending violence and building a just peace based on respect for the letter from Human Rights and the requirements for compliance with international law, among which is the Opinion of the International Tribunal of Justice in The Hague on the illegality of the Apartheid Wall and all United Nations resolutions. Including those relating to key issues: Palestinian territoriality and respect for borders, status of Jerusalem and the right of return of refugees. All United Nations Member States have an obligation to protect Palestinian civilians against the multiple violations of international humanitarian law taking place and that today Israel continues violating with impunity,
Therefore, and before abominable events in recent weeks materialized in the slaughter of the population of Gaza and make the following urgent appeal to the English government, European institutions, international organizations and civil society in general:
• Break diplomatic relations with the State of Israel.
• Take steps to put an end to this or any other criminal action of this nature, condemning the Israeli action and demanding an immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza.
• Require Israel as the occupying power, comply with international humanitarian law as established by the Fourth Geneva Convention so they can establish acceptable conditions of access of humanitarian and emergency assistance and care and assistance to the thousands of victims who are leading the bombing. Also enforce all UN resolutions and International Court of Justice.
• Suspend Agreements business with the State of Israel
• Suspend the arms sales and exchanges on military cooperation with Israel.
• Claiming damages for the destruction of those assets and infrastructure donated to Palestine and built with funds from the English Cooperation.
• Set-up, gradual and sustainable manner, taking into account the characteristics of each context and the ability of each party involved, the global Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, based on the appeal made in 2005 by Palestinian civil society. We call especially on the movement of international solidarity, unions, associations and organizations professionals, local authorities, churches, political parties and the NGO sector to undertake practical and effective measures to counter the Israeli occupation, racial discrimination, colonialism, and gross and systematic violations of fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.
• And finally, take any other measures conducive to respect for international law and do not reward the impunity of the Israeli occupying State. Lastly
call on citizens to participate in all demonstrations and public events have been organized in many cities in Spain, expressing their solidarity with the Palestinian people. In particular, we call people of Madrid to participate in the demonstration to be carried out, the Sunday, January 25
I have to say that has not posted anything in any newspaper, something very strange, as it is not already trying to hide the genocide that is being done with the Palestinian people.
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