The tribute was made yesterday in the auditorium of the Universidad Complutense Madrid Enrique Ruano Casanova student killed by police in the Franco regime was more emotional when remembering a past as black in this country.
The venue was in full, with all the aisles filled with people standing, almost all in the act were already white hair or in some cases and even that, but there were also young people wanting to know the history of this country that the schools have not been taught, many of us eyes filled with tears when some of the participants we spoke to Henry.
first took the floor to the rector of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Carlos Berzosa to highlight the values \u200b\u200bof this student and to these we make ourselves write our story for anyone to write for us.
was followed Manuel Garí, noting the figure of Enrique Ruano, whom he met in those years, wanted to denounce those who, after the dictatorship was put huge medals for being "lifelong Democrat" and brought a democracy which have nothing to do, because it only had "the ability to be in the most suitable" at the right time. Such is the case with characters as dark and terrifying as Rodolfo Martin Villa.
Garí After intervention, turn came to sing Maria del Mar Bonet, who composed with Serrahima Lluis, and since then played a song dedicated to Ruano "Què Volen aquesta gent?" Which earned him a year unable to act or leave Spain.
then José Luis Zárraga cowards tried to "officers of the Franco regime and its collaborators: police, judges, journalists ... Just Ruane stressed the struggle for freedom and democracy, but as collateral, and argued that what really was a socialist, anti-capitalist revolution, aimed at the creation of a "party of new type," he said. "It may seem uncomfortable today, but in honor of Henry should have as it was." Read some texts published by Ruano himself demonstrating the great conviction for fighting "or being against oppression or oppression, can not be neutral." Finally he said that we remember struggling against exploitation, for a revolution, "we know that those objectives are still valid today and struggle is still needed ", which triggered new applause from the audience. Pastor Jaime
continued to insist that Enrique Ruano fought for freedom, but also by another company that changed the world from bases. Also influenced this generation managed to destroy the student union controlled by the dictatorship (the SEU), although Martin Villa (among others), and read a damn poets like Leon Felipe, Lorca, Machado, Blas de Otero and listened to singer-songwriters as Raimon, Maria del Mar Bonet, who began at that time. Alfredo Semprún also deplored that ABC misrepresented information on the orders Fraga Iribarne, giving the impression that he had committed suicide Ruano. Subsequently, expand the ignominy other people as Carrero Blanco, and even the Episcopal Conference, who wanted to support back to Franco. José María
Moher, he was glad to find people who were prosecuted and convicted in that same case of Enrique Ruano said it is now known that he was shot before throwing out the window on the seventh floor and then sawed the bone of the clavicle to the bullet does not appear, distorting after autopsy. Enrique Ruano described a given signature, but nothing dogmatic, steeped in religious beliefs, connected with Christian base communities. He highlighted the cowardice of all these years, since the stop law gave amnesty to all those, we imposed silence. Thus, it should also honor him for all those who suffered for freedom and democracy in this country. José Manuel Benítez
told that for years, the mother of slain refused to admit the facts, until many years later, the day before the statute of limitations, it was decided to sign the petition asking to reopen the proceedings.
narrates the difficulties they had to go through to make their case, as everything had been handled openly, and there was no evidence of any kind contained in the summary. Despite this, got the rapporteur of the court admitted the crime and its commission, but not knowing which of the three policemen present made it could not be condemned. The other two board members admitted that torture had taken place. Finally, the perpetrators left without conviction.
Torcuato Luca de Tena Fraga Iribarne confessed that he gave orders to post entries in the diary of Henry, manipulated to make it look like an unstable person who had committed suicide. The Head of the political police, was seen as an old man who was limited to receiving the stones of the students. Gregorio Peces
Barba, who was a friend of Enrique Ruano, Abilio defend Villena, who was indicted twice by the same cause which had already been convicted
Finally, Margot Ruano, sister of the murdered, spoke on the figure of his brother, describing him as a person fair and honest, firm convictions, who fought for freedom and human rights. "He did not die for something sterile or futile" said "our voice will not keep silent." And then read a poem by Francisco García Marquina "To my friend Henry, who chose to die" written on the night of the murder also read the accessions as Jose Saramago and Carlos Castilla and others could not be in the act.
The venue was in full, with all the aisles filled with people standing, almost all in the act were already white hair or in some cases and even that, but there were also young people wanting to know the history of this country that the schools have not been taught, many of us eyes filled with tears when some of the participants we spoke to Henry.
first took the floor to the rector of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Carlos Berzosa to highlight the values \u200b\u200bof this student and to these we make ourselves write our story for anyone to write for us.
was followed Manuel Garí, noting the figure of Enrique Ruano, whom he met in those years, wanted to denounce those who, after the dictatorship was put huge medals for being "lifelong Democrat" and brought a democracy which have nothing to do, because it only had "the ability to be in the most suitable" at the right time. Such is the case with characters as dark and terrifying as Rodolfo Martin Villa.
Garí After intervention, turn came to sing Maria del Mar Bonet, who composed with Serrahima Lluis, and since then played a song dedicated to Ruano "Què Volen aquesta gent?" Which earned him a year unable to act or leave Spain.
then José Luis Zárraga cowards tried to "officers of the Franco regime and its collaborators: police, judges, journalists ... Just Ruane stressed the struggle for freedom and democracy, but as collateral, and argued that what really was a socialist, anti-capitalist revolution, aimed at the creation of a "party of new type," he said. "It may seem uncomfortable today, but in honor of Henry should have as it was." Read some texts published by Ruano himself demonstrating the great conviction for fighting "or being against oppression or oppression, can not be neutral." Finally he said that we remember struggling against exploitation, for a revolution, "we know that those objectives are still valid today and struggle is still needed ", which triggered new applause from the audience. Pastor Jaime
continued to insist that Enrique Ruano fought for freedom, but also by another company that changed the world from bases. Also influenced this generation managed to destroy the student union controlled by the dictatorship (the SEU), although Martin Villa (among others), and read a damn poets like Leon Felipe, Lorca, Machado, Blas de Otero and listened to singer-songwriters as Raimon, Maria del Mar Bonet, who began at that time. Alfredo Semprún also deplored that ABC misrepresented information on the orders Fraga Iribarne, giving the impression that he had committed suicide Ruano. Subsequently, expand the ignominy other people as Carrero Blanco, and even the Episcopal Conference, who wanted to support back to Franco. José María
Moher, he was glad to find people who were prosecuted and convicted in that same case of Enrique Ruano said it is now known that he was shot before throwing out the window on the seventh floor and then sawed the bone of the clavicle to the bullet does not appear, distorting after autopsy. Enrique Ruano described a given signature, but nothing dogmatic, steeped in religious beliefs, connected with Christian base communities. He highlighted the cowardice of all these years, since the stop law gave amnesty to all those, we imposed silence. Thus, it should also honor him for all those who suffered for freedom and democracy in this country. José Manuel Benítez
told that for years, the mother of slain refused to admit the facts, until many years later, the day before the statute of limitations, it was decided to sign the petition asking to reopen the proceedings.
narrates the difficulties they had to go through to make their case, as everything had been handled openly, and there was no evidence of any kind contained in the summary. Despite this, got the rapporteur of the court admitted the crime and its commission, but not knowing which of the three policemen present made it could not be condemned. The other two board members admitted that torture had taken place. Finally, the perpetrators left without conviction.
Torcuato Luca de Tena Fraga Iribarne confessed that he gave orders to post entries in the diary of Henry, manipulated to make it look like an unstable person who had committed suicide. The Head of the political police, was seen as an old man who was limited to receiving the stones of the students. Gregorio Peces
Barba, who was a friend of Enrique Ruano, Abilio defend Villena, who was indicted twice by the same cause which had already been convicted
Finally, Margot Ruano, sister of the murdered, spoke on the figure of his brother, describing him as a person fair and honest, firm convictions, who fought for freedom and human rights. "He did not die for something sterile or futile" said "our voice will not keep silent." And then read a poem by Francisco García Marquina "To my friend Henry, who chose to die" written on the night of the murder also read the accessions as Jose Saramago and Carlos Castilla and others could not be in the act.
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