On January 1, 1959, the Cuban people began their walk sovereign and revolutionary. Since the early U.S. imperialism could not bear to have a town 90 miles relieved of its claws, designed and implemented a policy of harassment, interference and harassment and demolition using all possible ways: the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 that was the first defeat of imperialism in Latin America, in 1962 a political deadlock, commercial and financial support from Cuba 49 years ago, continued terrorist attacks hatched from Miami, which so far have caused over 2,500 deaths and over 3,000 wounded, air and sea raids on Cuban territory, a germ warfare affecting food security and public health, strafing from speedboats, the bombing of hotels (one of which killed an Italian tourist) and entertainment murdering and spreading terror. Attempted assassination of its President, Fidel Castro.
During this period, harassment and destabilization attempts on the island have become constant by the various government U.S. recruiting and financing to people born in Cuba to act as paid in the service of this policy against the Cuban nation. This murderous policy of interference and is supported by various U.S. laws coercive and criminal as the Torricelli Act, the Helms-Burton Bush Plan for Resettlement of Cuba seeking isolation and economic strangulation of Cuba, bringing hunger and despair and end with the Revolution. Recognized
terrorists like Posada Carriles, responsible along with other known terrorists for the bombing of a Cubana airliner in which 76 people lost their lives, secure and protected living freely in Miami enjoy complete impunity, while remaining five Cubans imprisoned in U.S. jails for fighting terrorism.
However, Cuba has managed to meet all these criminal harassment and just turned 50 years of Revolution.
Throughout these years, none of the various U.S. government has complied with the 16 resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations embargo against political, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the U.S. against Cuba, which has cost the Cuban people more than 93,000 million dollars and whose last vote was the figure of 185 countries in favor of lifting it.
Various international agencies such as UNDP, FAO, UNICEF, among other place Cuba in the High Human Development Index with developed countries confirms that Cuba is a country that has eradicated child malnutrition, the life expectancy rate is one of the highest and the rate of mortality and mortality the lowest infant; place Cuba as a country that has already achieved the Millennium Development Goals.
The president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, the flagship anti-Cuban People's Party, with excellent relations with counterrevolutionary organizations in Miami threaten Cuba with an interventionist practice tolerance and nostalgic colonial policy, not support the Revolution Cuban turn 50 years of full health and dignity.
denounce here that the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre uses public money to subsidize Cooperation Fund of extreme right organizations, interventionist and destabilizing as in the case of the Cuban Hispanic Foundation, a group linked to anti-Cuban Cuban-American National Foundation Headquartered in Miami. An example
100 239 euros in 2006 (BOCM No 45 of 22.2.2006), the 150,000 of 2004 (BOCM No. 642 of 2 / / 6 / 04, the 33,974 euros in 2007 (No 310 BOCM 30 / 12/06). In 2008, 187,000 euros (BOCM 263, 11/04/2008). In 2007, Esperanza Aguirre was awarded the Tolerance Prize of the Cuban Carlos Alberto Montaner, CIA agent and notorious terrorist from an early age. Esperanza Aguirre In 2004 he moved to Miami to receive an award from the Hispanic Foundation Cubana.Mientras, year after year, denies subsidies 11M-Affected Association of Terrorism.
denounce here that, while funding these kinds of issues away from the interests of the locals, is privatizing basic public services like health and water, cut public school budget for promoting the private sector, greatly reduces funding to public universities. Recent statements
CHE called the "scoundrel." We tell it the CHE entered the history of people as a liberator, fighting for the oppressed is present in every battle, that the CHE, much to his dismay, LIVE. In their statements and in the media, the disqualification and insulting the authorities of Cuba, its President, its elected representatives and 11 million people is the general tone trying to present Cuba as a dictatorship. The Steering Committee of the PP in Madrid agreed to support the concentration convened on February 1 by members of the contras based in Madrid, it was announced at a press conference the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre. We want to tell
Esperanza Aguirre and the Popular Party CUBA IS NOT SOLA, with Cuba and Another World is still possible.
That Cuba is a sovereign and independent country and its people whose turn it is to direct its destiny. That Cuba will continue forward, despite all the obstacles imposed on the enjoyment of their freedom and independence to deepen the objectives underlying the Revolution: social justice, equity and solidarity.
That Cuba is an indication of internationalist solidarity with other Third World people by providing health professionals and technical education and other various branches assisting these nations in their new journey of independence and sovereignty as in the case of Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia. Nicaragua and Paraguay. That will continue to denounce
links Esperanza Aguirre and the Popular Party right-wing organizations and anti-Cuban and the use of public money from everyone in Madrid for funding while privatizing basic public services all in Madrid.
MadridSábado Demonstration in the 18 to 31 eneroA Columbus Bilbao horasGlorieta
CUBA ARE NOT ALONE Movement of Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution "Cuba is not alone"
first accessions: Association of English-Cuban Friendship "Bartolomé de las Casas, Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba in Madrid, Izquierda Unida Federal, PCE, PCPE, UJCE, Cuba-Toledo Association "Antonio Maceo" Pablo de la Torriente Association Brau; Initiative Communist Collective July 26, Marx Wood Association Cuban community in Madrid "Sierra Maestra", Association "Sierra Maestra" de Euskadi, Association for Solidarity and Development Cooperation "Ernesto Guevara" Torrejón de Ardoz, CJC, PCE (ml), Havana Club, Lyon, France, Association Cubans living in France "Cuban Roots", Coordinator of Cuban Residents in France, Association of Cubans in Catalonia "Jose Marti", Association of Cuban Titan Bronze Andalucia, Association of Cuban Residents in Galicia, Cuban Association of Cuban hundred percent Asturias, Association "The Cinzonte of Cuban Residents in Extremadura, Euskadi-Cuba, SODEPAZ, SODEPAZ-Andalucia, Cuba Amistat Casal de-Mallorca, Cuba Friendship Association "Francisco Villamil" in Galicia, Salamanca with Cuba Solidarity Forum 2005, Association of English-Cuban friendship Málaga, Asociación Hispano-Cubana "Peace and Friendship" in Avilés, Asturias, Cuba Solidarity Collective-Córdoba "Association for Friendship with the Cuban people" October 9 "Ibi-Alicante, Association of Friendship with Cuba" Camilo Cienfuegos "Marina Alta-Alicante, Defenseman CUBA-Catalonia Offices in Spain: Uruguayan Communist Party, Communist Party of Chile, Communist Party of Peru, the Colombian Communist Party, Partido Nacionalista Peruano, Arco, Assembly against Globalization and War Friendship Association Corredor del Henares "Cuba" Ernesto Guevara " Popular Culture Association Red Star Republican Vallekas Ateneo, Ateneo Republican Carabanchel, CAUM, CAES, Counter Current, Red Current, Izquierda Castellana Izquierda Unida Youth, JCE (ml), La Tertulia, Action Research and Development Cooperation Platform for Citizens for the Republic, Platform Women 2000, Teatro "La Barraca Popular, UJC-Madrid, Unit Civic for the Republic, Union Proletarian in Catalonia Association of Cuban Jose Marti, Cuban Association in Valencia Caguairan, "Valencian Association of Friendship with Cuba, Cántabra Association of Friends of Cuba, PCOE, Marti-Maceo Cultural Society of Cubans resident in Britain,
Date-Time: 31 Jan 2009 18:00
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