Plus: Abelardo Oquendo essayist Kundera visit the small
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hot hot morning; chronic Pinky Rodriguez from the battlefield in the elections of our (Ranch) university.
l to author
the polar opposite Kitsch [1] :
(The line that gravitates to Sabina circle between weight and lightness)
Women who are glad to be identical and indistinguishable
actually celebrate his coming death,
identification that will be absolute.
Milan Kundera in The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera treats the individual from two opposite sides: those who submit to the lightness of existence, the unacceptability of the human and those who forgo Kitsch. There is a huge claim to start the test with this quote from Kundera, falling in the fact that I'ma woman and I can get to sin to be identical, but I also believe strongly that there is nothing more beautiful than to recognize the virtues of a person, more so if they share the same gender. While the book focuses more on the characters of Thomas and Teresa, this paper will try to Sabina, one of the most captivating and impressive novel, it is the woman who breaks the rules of Kitsch, who is exposed in the rules the world and is from that point where it starts to be her, woman artist, human, painting a parallel universe to yours, where one of the main rules is the weight. The book is divided into seven parts, will use three of these as a guide to structure my essay. The following lines intend to find a woman all identical to each other, analyzing their behavior, their ideas and their physical reactions to the world he hates, get me into the world of fiction to find a new face, a face that outlines intellectual engagement and female In other words, the side opposite to Kitsch, a new face of femininity.

always so shy before the cameras, she
lightness and
Kundera draws the first picture of Sabina through the eyes of a male character, Tom, is he who is discussed throughout the play between lightness and weight. Thomas fears the women, want but, I fear. Search is a sort of compromise that called "erotic friendship" an unsentimental relationship where one did not claim the life and liberty of the other to bring happiness to both [2] . A first impression of Thomas' ideas about women may be limited, but I think all otherwise. Thomas is able to know the human being from an individual perspective, detachment, and it is he who attributes this quality to women all the same, that quality of altruism, independence, ability to feel and experience without sacrificing one to claim the another. Thomas manages the idea of \u200b\u200botherness from a higher level and evolved, we understand the otherness as a reflection of one another, recognition, but not submerged in the other side of the mirror. The concept of happiness at this point one of the work also stems from the common ideals, happiness as a feeling caused by the self-control, particularly in the sentimental aspect. I firmly believe in the contribution of sentimentality the ideas and feelings more castrating the uselessness of man, because with the feelings that you give up yourself, locked in a territory and annihilating overflowing emotions of beauty, weight and freedom.
The better you understand that all of your friends was Sabina [3] . She enters the story as a character able to draw potential problems of Thomas, from the beginning is a strong woman. Kundera portrays this character with great delicacy, outlining well the physical and psychological shape, the apparent love, unique qualities attributed to him as a woman. Sabina love split with sexuality as Thomas does, including There is an implicit understanding throughout the play, Sabina's character is perhaps best suited to be the partner of Thomas, but the relationships are the result of the lightness and do not forget that our characters are lovers of weight. I think it is difficult for humans to unlink the act of sharing your body with someone with feelings, especially women, the psychology that have, or as I think we attribute. Sabina breaks these psychological patterns that limit women, it appears as a human rebel, as an independent being, a being able to distinguish, to give back to the dough. Sabina
SCREAM: Like a flower, the flesh contained in the profile, can be opened to amaze [4] . She amazes, is a flower that continues to reinvent itself in Sabina discover a new look, a new female face, a pair of hands enraptured by weight, tireless.
A flower between two mirrors that look: the infinite
Sabina is a character free of all common profile is comfortable with what is and what he feels, especially intellectual, artistic and sexual. Sabina is a partner in Thomas speed [5] , Thomas sees the perfect friend Sabina.
Letter from a friend a friend would like to make love to you in my study, as in a stage. Some people would and could not approach or a step. But they could not take off our eyes off [6] . The purity of the words in an unconscious confession of the highlights over the silhouette of Sabina, is not afraid, is carried away by his feelings and impulses. Sabina dreams of Thomas and not afraid to let you know, has discovered a new world view that shapes it, or perhaps the world that she creates for her and her. Sabina sees his world as if between two facing mirrors, a labyrinth of infinite possibilities, that excites Sabina, wraps, makes immortal. For the second time Sabina
SHOUT: I got up of my body, I went looking for who I am. Pilgrim of me, I went to the country sleeping in a wind. [7] Sabina travels within itself, and is discovered in his own art, in painting, it includes impossible worlds including one within another, like an infinite labyrinth. Sabina Thomas sees another infinite world, it is a subject to portray in his paintings, as if his painting confluence of both worlds, a double exposure. The look he puts in it, goes beyond the sentimental, is a recognition in the labyrinth, it is art, she and him, the ends of the world imagined by both, is the boundary beyond which life ends and passion for extremism in the art, is a real yearning for death. But the possibility of death as rebirth, reinvention, not completion.
In this part I think it important to include the character of Teresa, the partner of Thomas. Although it would have preferred to avoid this time of testing is necessary to make a comparison, minimal but significant, between Teresa and Sabina to reach the final revelation. Sabina looked herself through her paintings, Teresa in the mirror, falling into the lightness that implies the earthly figure without being viewed as a work of art.
two bites devour flowers
revealing the heart does not have
Sabina has a feminine weakness, wanting to feel superior to the other carriers of their gender. She helps Teresa to be included in the world of art: photography. In one part of the novel, Teresa was invited by Sabina to his studio to photograph his paintings. Take the invitation as a challenge to demonstrate the inability of women to understand they have other higher. Sabina said that behind a lie lived a truth incomprehensible comprehensible, ie that the world was nothing but a lie that everyone assumed as true, because it was understandable, but it hides something deeper and true, but that depth is incomprehensible the eyes of the human body, as are not prepared to face that implies the existence mazes. Teresa Sabina considered part of that mass. Teresa is considered part of mass. Teresa admires and fears Sabina. Sabina is delighted by the fear he sees in Teresa. Teresa, and Sabina enter a battle without knowing. Both fall in vertigo understood the depth that opens, attracting, attracts, arouses the desire to fall, from which they defend themselves terrified. Succumb to the charm of the photograph of naked bodies.
The first flower has fallen short on lightness of being
The body is a deadly weapon, Sabina has fallen to his own body, you used the wrong mirror, looking for a face that does not belong, has used the mask belongs Teresa, has been confused and lost, for a few seconds, in a land of limited opportunities, is terrified. For the third time Sabina
SHOUT: The girl is the mask of the infinite and break the wall of poetry [8] . Teresa has felt the weight for the first time, exchanged mirrors, Teresa has endured, has seen without looking. In this part we see the human condition that Kundera attributed to Sabina, nevertheless, is weak and that weakness, recognizable by Sabina, lies the power that only she has to enter the game and exit without difficulty, but it scares falls. The soul and body, at times, are one, sometimes the body due to soul, and foul occurs Sabina union that hates both, but she has fallen, but only a few seconds: human condition.
The winning image of Sabina, is she, in her underwear, armed with his Derby hat [9] . This image been so important to her, in memory of a moment that refuses to lose in the memory, now is distorted in a macabre game. The image is presented to Franz, another of her lovers, and this takes it as a joke. She feels ridiculous and absurd in the pursuit of a moment and lost. The hat now, in the eyes of Franz, it becomes an object that symbolizes violence to Sabina about her feminine dignity. Franz is unable to understand Sabina, Sabina is unable to understand Franz. Two worlds coming together to create the fog. Sabina is reduced to attempts to recover a lost moment.
Every center is a wrong way ilencio
S Sabina is a woman unlike any other, his words and world views are misunderstood by almost all people, fictional or real. Sabina, for example, in his conception of women, goes beyond the philosophical reflections, it did not is neither a credit nor a failure, the rebel against being a woman is as absurd as that of proud of it. This idea generates Kundera Sabina attributed to the deepest admiration for this woman to emphasize that without this condition itself, enhance its kind showing infinite wisdom which holds unorthodox way to live and feel alive inside those worlds she it generates for its own preservation and human. I conclude the essay with a verse that I believe Varela Sabina accurate to describe: If you hit your head endlessly against the impossible, you are the impossible. That is Sabina, an impossibility: Beauty exact female profile.
Women rejoice de ser
idénticas e indiferenciables
celebran en realidad su muerte futura,
que hará que su identificación sea absoluta.
Milán Kundera
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