Today January 20th, Barack Obama is the new president of the yunaites ... and although it will be very difficult to make a better government than the guy George Bush, the world is not better than ever. However it is very emotional to see how their countries would not let him aside and witness one of the most emotional takeovers in history, emphasizing that he has to be the president of ALL the gringos. It was really cool including the prayer made by the Rev. Warren recalled that the union of his country is not "of religion or race, but by their commitment to freedom and justice for all", a man who fought for civil rights African Americans, minorities (Suck that Juan Luis).
But even if you have not seen her live, nor can, share a few videito the ceremony. The coolest was the U.S. Navy band, with songs so glad, so different from our timid war songs.
Part 1 of speech
Stars and stripes for ever, men!
remember the new mister danger that there are several outstanding tasks conduct
1) A social security and health for all;
2) Abolish the death penalty;
3) Ratification of Kyoto Protocol on reducing CO2 emissions;
4) Critical review of the police state that eavesdropping on the lives of others, gather personal data and tab-systematic, bureaucratically-critics, opponents and suspects;
5) Control and Limitation of activities CIA inside and outside the country, as well as the Department of Homeland Security, DHS / Ministry of Homeland Security;
6) Review of the functions and powers provided under the Constitution, the Automated Targeting System, ATS and the Patriotic Act;
7) Rejection of lobbysmo arms and control groups prone to military intervention against Iran
8) End the illegal war in the Middle East and withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan;
9 ) Reduction of exorbitant military budget;
10) Ratification of the "Rome Statute" for the persecution and punishment of crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague against crimes against Humanity;
11) Cancel the "immunity" (?) of the American soldiers against the Statute and the Court;
12) Requirement to Israel for compliance with the old and current UN resolutions against settlements Jews on Palestinian territory;
13) thematized in the United Nations in peace in the Middle East, the need to recognize the right of return of Palestinians expelled from their territory, and the imperative obligation of Israel to pay compensation material for the wrongs and damage;
14) Control or prohibition of the possession of weapons that is contrary tajantemenmte the National Rifle Association, NRA,
15) Prohibición de la producción, de la venta y del uso de las bombas-racimo;
16) Suspensión o fin del embargo contra la República Socialista de Cuba;
17) Impedimento de los planes de desestablización política y social en Venezuela y Bolivia;
18) Cierre del Centro de Reclusión de Guantánamo y reconocimiento de sus ocupantes como prisioneros con derecho a un procedimiento jurídico y patrocinio legal;
19) Revisión del contrato con Polonia sobre la instalación de un sistema de intercepción de cohetes sobre su territorio que inquieta a Rusia;
20) Suspensión de los planes y de las conversaciones con la República Checa para la instalación de un sistema de radares to revive the Cold War years, promoting an arms race and may lead to a nuclear confrontation.
2) Abolish the death penalty;
3) Ratification of Kyoto Protocol on reducing CO2 emissions;
4) Critical review of the police state that eavesdropping on the lives of others, gather personal data and tab-systematic, bureaucratically-critics, opponents and suspects;
5) Control and Limitation of activities CIA inside and outside the country, as well as the Department of Homeland Security, DHS / Ministry of Homeland Security;
6) Review of the functions and powers provided under the Constitution, the Automated Targeting System, ATS and the Patriotic Act;
7) Rejection of lobbysmo arms and control groups prone to military intervention against Iran
8) End the illegal war in the Middle East and withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan;
9 ) Reduction of exorbitant military budget;
10) Ratification of the "Rome Statute" for the persecution and punishment of crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague against crimes against Humanity;
11) Cancel the "immunity" (?) of the American soldiers against the Statute and the Court;
12) Requirement to Israel for compliance with the old and current UN resolutions against settlements Jews on Palestinian territory;
13) thematized in the United Nations in peace in the Middle East, the need to recognize the right of return of Palestinians expelled from their territory, and the imperative obligation of Israel to pay compensation material for the wrongs and damage;
14) Control or prohibition of the possession of weapons that is contrary tajantemenmte the National Rifle Association, NRA,
15) Prohibición de la producción, de la venta y del uso de las bombas-racimo;
16) Suspensión o fin del embargo contra la República Socialista de Cuba;
17) Impedimento de los planes de desestablización política y social en Venezuela y Bolivia;
18) Cierre del Centro de Reclusión de Guantánamo y reconocimiento de sus ocupantes como prisioneros con derecho a un procedimiento jurídico y patrocinio legal;
19) Revisión del contrato con Polonia sobre la instalación de un sistema de intercepción de cohetes sobre su territorio que inquieta a Rusia;
20) Suspensión de los planes y de las conversaciones con la República Checa para la instalación de un sistema de radares to revive the Cold War years, promoting an arms race and may lead to a nuclear confrontation.
removed from the film blog (?) Cinephilia is no patriot http://lacinefilianoespatriota.blogspot.com/search?q=obama
Al presidential likes to rock the boat
Other links pa 'check
Alvarez Rodrich
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