Saturday, January 31, 2009
Cheer Spirit Noise Makers
complaint handling international media hide
Venezuelan amending includes application for all positions
writer, journalist and former editor of French newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique, Ignacio Ramonet, said international media channels linked to the wealthiest in the world, are realizing the proposed constitutional amendment in Venezuela so this is seen as a benefit only to the fact that President Hugo Chávez Frías, not all officials elected by popular vote .
"As always, we are transforming the political debate in Venezuela and they are presenting half-truth telling. They say that this proposal applies to all elected by the vote, only talk about Chavez. They say that people may not have the power to choose their leaders as often as they deem necessary, "he said.
This was part of the statements offered Ramonet Venezuelan media, while attending the World Social Forum (WSF ), an event that is celebrated from Tuesday in Belem, Brazil, and runs through Sunday.
By way of contrast, the English intellectual recalled that recently the American newspaper The New York Times said in its editorial that "term limits rulers, when these were effective, it was against democracy "and raised" the need to think about extending these mandates. "
The proposed constitutional amendment to be submitted Ramonet referred to the verdict of all Venezuelans coming February 15 .
It is aimed at the continuous application of all officials elected by popular vote: Regional Representatives (Art. 162) and national (Art. 192), mayors (Art. 174), governors (Art. 160) and chair or President of the Republic (Art. 230).
The initiative in question is a normal practice in many European countries and the world are proud of its democratic nature, which is not mentioned by any media or government opponents of the Venezuelan case.
The ruling English Socialist Party (PSOE) Felipe Gonzalez, for instance, was president of government between 1982 and 1996 (14 years), thanks to the continuous application option exercised in that country.
The Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, and Cameroon, Paul Biya, embody the highest leadership in their countries since 1981 and 1982, respectively, to date, without the Department of State United States has never discussed anything about it Amen normal bilateral relations that both support the American nation.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Gropers In The Bus Train

On January 1, 1959, the Cuban people began their walk sovereign and revolutionary. Since the early U.S. imperialism could not bear to have a town 90 miles relieved of its claws, designed and implemented a policy of harassment, interference and harassment and demolition using all possible ways: the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 that was the first defeat of imperialism in Latin America, in 1962 a political deadlock, commercial and financial support from Cuba 49 years ago, continued terrorist attacks hatched from Miami, which so far have caused over 2,500 deaths and over 3,000 wounded, air and sea raids on Cuban territory, a germ warfare affecting food security and public health, strafing from speedboats, the bombing of hotels (one of which killed an Italian tourist) and entertainment murdering and spreading terror. Attempted assassination of its President, Fidel Castro.
During this period, harassment and destabilization attempts on the island have become constant by the various government U.S. recruiting and financing to people born in Cuba to act as paid in the service of this policy against the Cuban nation. This murderous policy of interference and is supported by various U.S. laws coercive and criminal as the Torricelli Act, the Helms-Burton Bush Plan for Resettlement of Cuba seeking isolation and economic strangulation of Cuba, bringing hunger and despair and end with the Revolution. Recognized
terrorists like Posada Carriles, responsible along with other known terrorists for the bombing of a Cubana airliner in which 76 people lost their lives, secure and protected living freely in Miami enjoy complete impunity, while remaining five Cubans imprisoned in U.S. jails for fighting terrorism.
However, Cuba has managed to meet all these criminal harassment and just turned 50 years of Revolution.
Throughout these years, none of the various U.S. government has complied with the 16 resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations embargo against political, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the U.S. against Cuba, which has cost the Cuban people more than 93,000 million dollars and whose last vote was the figure of 185 countries in favor of lifting it.
Various international agencies such as UNDP, FAO, UNICEF, among other place Cuba in the High Human Development Index with developed countries confirms that Cuba is a country that has eradicated child malnutrition, the life expectancy rate is one of the highest and the rate of mortality and mortality the lowest infant; place Cuba as a country that has already achieved the Millennium Development Goals.
The president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, the flagship anti-Cuban People's Party, with excellent relations with counterrevolutionary organizations in Miami threaten Cuba with an interventionist practice tolerance and nostalgic colonial policy, not support the Revolution Cuban turn 50 years of full health and dignity.
denounce here that the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre uses public money to subsidize Cooperation Fund of extreme right organizations, interventionist and destabilizing as in the case of the Cuban Hispanic Foundation, a group linked to anti-Cuban Cuban-American National Foundation Headquartered in Miami. An example
100 239 euros in 2006 (BOCM No 45 of 22.2.2006), the 150,000 of 2004 (BOCM No. 642 of 2 / / 6 / 04, the 33,974 euros in 2007 (No 310 BOCM 30 / 12/06). In 2008, 187,000 euros (BOCM 263, 11/04/2008). In 2007, Esperanza Aguirre was awarded the Tolerance Prize of the Cuban Carlos Alberto Montaner, CIA agent and notorious terrorist from an early age. Esperanza Aguirre In 2004 he moved to Miami to receive an award from the Hispanic Foundation Cubana.Mientras, year after year, denies subsidies 11M-Affected Association of Terrorism.
denounce here that, while funding these kinds of issues away from the interests of the locals, is privatizing basic public services like health and water, cut public school budget for promoting the private sector, greatly reduces funding to public universities. Recent statements
CHE called the "scoundrel." We tell it the CHE entered the history of people as a liberator, fighting for the oppressed is present in every battle, that the CHE, much to his dismay, LIVE. In their statements and in the media, the disqualification and insulting the authorities of Cuba, its President, its elected representatives and 11 million people is the general tone trying to present Cuba as a dictatorship. The Steering Committee of the PP in Madrid agreed to support the concentration convened on February 1 by members of the contras based in Madrid, it was announced at a press conference the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre. We want to tell
Esperanza Aguirre and the Popular Party CUBA IS NOT SOLA, with Cuba and Another World is still possible.
That Cuba is a sovereign and independent country and its people whose turn it is to direct its destiny. That Cuba will continue forward, despite all the obstacles imposed on the enjoyment of their freedom and independence to deepen the objectives underlying the Revolution: social justice, equity and solidarity.
That Cuba is an indication of internationalist solidarity with other Third World people by providing health professionals and technical education and other various branches assisting these nations in their new journey of independence and sovereignty as in the case of Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia. Nicaragua and Paraguay. That will continue to denounce
links Esperanza Aguirre and the Popular Party right-wing organizations and anti-Cuban and the use of public money from everyone in Madrid for funding while privatizing basic public services all in Madrid.
MadridSábado Demonstration in the 18 to 31 eneroA Columbus Bilbao horasGlorieta
CUBA ARE NOT ALONE Movement of Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution "Cuba is not alone"
first accessions: Association of English-Cuban Friendship "Bartolomé de las Casas, Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba in Madrid, Izquierda Unida Federal, PCE, PCPE, UJCE, Cuba-Toledo Association "Antonio Maceo" Pablo de la Torriente Association Brau; Initiative Communist Collective July 26, Marx Wood Association Cuban community in Madrid "Sierra Maestra", Association "Sierra Maestra" de Euskadi, Association for Solidarity and Development Cooperation "Ernesto Guevara" Torrejón de Ardoz, CJC, PCE (ml), Havana Club, Lyon, France, Association Cubans living in France "Cuban Roots", Coordinator of Cuban Residents in France, Association of Cubans in Catalonia "Jose Marti", Association of Cuban Titan Bronze Andalucia, Association of Cuban Residents in Galicia, Cuban Association of Cuban hundred percent Asturias, Association "The Cinzonte of Cuban Residents in Extremadura, Euskadi-Cuba, SODEPAZ, SODEPAZ-Andalucia, Cuba Amistat Casal de-Mallorca, Cuba Friendship Association "Francisco Villamil" in Galicia, Salamanca with Cuba Solidarity Forum 2005, Association of English-Cuban friendship Málaga, Asociación Hispano-Cubana "Peace and Friendship" in Avilés, Asturias, Cuba Solidarity Collective-Córdoba "Association for Friendship with the Cuban people" October 9 "Ibi-Alicante, Association of Friendship with Cuba" Camilo Cienfuegos "Marina Alta-Alicante, Defenseman CUBA-Catalonia Offices in Spain: Uruguayan Communist Party, Communist Party of Chile, Communist Party of Peru, the Colombian Communist Party, Partido Nacionalista Peruano, Arco, Assembly against Globalization and War Friendship Association Corredor del Henares "Cuba" Ernesto Guevara " Popular Culture Association Red Star Republican Vallekas Ateneo, Ateneo Republican Carabanchel, CAUM, CAES, Counter Current, Red Current, Izquierda Castellana Izquierda Unida Youth, JCE (ml), La Tertulia, Action Research and Development Cooperation Platform for Citizens for the Republic, Platform Women 2000, Teatro "La Barraca Popular, UJC-Madrid, Unit Civic for the Republic, Union Proletarian in Catalonia Association of Cuban Jose Marti, Cuban Association in Valencia Caguairan, "Valencian Association of Friendship with Cuba, Cántabra Association of Friends of Cuba, PCOE, Marti-Maceo Cultural Society of Cubans resident in Britain,
Date-Time: 31 Jan 2009 18:00
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Streaming Free Anime Yaoi

From the U.S. Embassy and sometimes torrential rain manifestation has gone to Israel, during the tour were chanted with signs for peace and that Israel abandoned the Gaza Strip and let humanitarian aid reach, so far not allowed to pass.
The U.S. embassy was taken under heavy security, the police had to a tank and several cars of riot police ready to act at any time, of course no comparison with what was shown in Israel's entire police siege with an arsenal of guns each, certainly more sophisticated than just seeing them as scary (imagine if they charge) at the end under police surveillance has read this statement. Before the offensive
Israel's military, by land, sea and air on Gaza, which is again the star of another episode of brutality and impunity of the State of Israel - in the context of occupation suffered by the Palestinian people, which lasts for decades - the organizations gathered here show our sorrow and outrage for crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli state in Gaza, especially the genocidal plan deployed intensively for more than three weeks that has left 1,400 dead and over 5,500 injured.
Prior to this criminal action in the Gaza Strip and a half million people locked up and under siege already being condemned to suffer an absolutely inhuman situation. Private basic food, clean water, health care, electricity and infrastructure that Israel was responsible for destroying detail. The situation is already catastrophic valued with a population desperate and hopeless by the degree of permissiveness and international consent to such savagery and brutality applied by Israel. So what is happening in Gaza in the eyes of all is scandalously immoral and a disgrace to humanity. The collective punishment that involves the total closure of borders imposed by Israel has no other purpose than to drag to despair and death to the entire population, which meant, in fact, an intention of genocide.
Criminal barbarity in Gaza, which has suffered massive and devastating bombings, including the use of phosphorous bombs, and subsequent ground invasion, has shown no mercy against tens of thousands of people affected by the destruction of their homes, especially in the thousands of deaths and injuries (children and families). Attacks on medical personnel, medical facilities, ambulances, shelters, mosques, journalists, UNRWA facilities, and others under the umbrella of United Nations, are a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions, international law and principles of the Rights Human.
denounce the passivity and complicity of governments and international institutions once again have become complicit in this genocide, and we demand immediate action to stop massacres such as occurred Gaza, and recognize the legitimacy of the Palestinian people, as busy, to defend against the brutal occupation of Israel.
This new and particularly lethal episode revealed, once again, the need to settle the same for compliance with all United Nations resolutions and international courts of Justice in order to achieve these objectives and to be resolved the cause of the conflict, which is none other than the occupation.
to this task would have to engage without delay and within the United Nations, its main actors, collaboration with the countries of the region and major world powers. The right of the Palestinian people to establish a sovereign state is the necessary foundation of any just and lasting solution that facilitates the peaceful coexistence of Palestinian and Israeli peoples.
We demand our government so that contributes to ending violence and building a just peace based on respect for the letter from Human Rights and the requirements for compliance with international law, among which is the Opinion of the International Tribunal of Justice in The Hague on the illegality of the Apartheid Wall and all United Nations resolutions. Including those relating to key issues: Palestinian territoriality and respect for borders, status of Jerusalem and the right of return of refugees. All United Nations Member States have an obligation to protect Palestinian civilians against the multiple violations of international humanitarian law taking place and that today Israel continues violating with impunity,
Therefore, and before abominable events in recent weeks materialized in the slaughter of the population of Gaza and make the following urgent appeal to the English government, European institutions, international organizations and civil society in general:
• Break diplomatic relations with the State of Israel.
• Take steps to put an end to this or any other criminal action of this nature, condemning the Israeli action and demanding an immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza.
• Require Israel as the occupying power, comply with international humanitarian law as established by the Fourth Geneva Convention so they can establish acceptable conditions of access of humanitarian and emergency assistance and care and assistance to the thousands of victims who are leading the bombing. Also enforce all UN resolutions and International Court of Justice.
• Suspend Agreements business with the State of Israel
• Suspend the arms sales and exchanges on military cooperation with Israel.
• Claiming damages for the destruction of those assets and infrastructure donated to Palestine and built with funds from the English Cooperation.
• Set-up, gradual and sustainable manner, taking into account the characteristics of each context and the ability of each party involved, the global Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, based on the appeal made in 2005 by Palestinian civil society. We call especially on the movement of international solidarity, unions, associations and organizations professionals, local authorities, churches, political parties and the NGO sector to undertake practical and effective measures to counter the Israeli occupation, racial discrimination, colonialism, and gross and systematic violations of fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.
• And finally, take any other measures conducive to respect for international law and do not reward the impunity of the Israeli occupying State. Lastly
call on citizens to participate in all demonstrations and public events have been organized in many cities in Spain, expressing their solidarity with the Palestinian people. In particular, we call people of Madrid to participate in the demonstration to be carried out, the Sunday, January 25
I have to say that has not posted anything in any newspaper, something very strange, as it is not already trying to hide the genocide that is being done with the Palestinian people.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Reasons C0000005 Tally 9
The infernal Reygadas - Arturo Ripstein

addition to a threat to all believers, perhaps the most famous hell is this penal colony literature circles Dante imagined. The famous Italian populate it deserved. Time has made that divine punishment Shifting is in poetry and atrocious hermosura.Más classic is the labyrinth of hell with which Reygadas wraps us in its films.

Reygadas can create feelings of a force that can describe only as hell. His three films tell a slow nightmare, like all others, telling the truth askance. His films are almost visceral sense of the word surgery.

In Mexico few come close to this instance. Gamez perhaps in one of his best shots. Arguably Buñuel in Him and Nazario, but little más.Calculo that Reygadas is inspired by the angelic horror of Dreyer and Tarkovsky's poetic. The hell of speaking Reygadas finishes. Japan would be the end of the world and the apocalypse viewed from the side. Battle in Heaven, to the fury of innocence and youth. Silent Light is the end all it covers the resurrección.Agradezco Reygadas's work because it is a labor of guts and heart. It is increasingly rare. It is a work that is far from the aspirations of business success, requiring that ballast movies and that often condescends. Reygadas films for himself and that is a fragile equilibrium, a dangerous choice. And it can be a horrid scream, but with echoes of remarkable beauty.
Reygadas appreciate the work because I have a penchant for hell, I love and concern me. You can know the classics, but it is difficult to contemporary. Time has not gone through them yet. I do not think I'm wrong to guess that the abrupt Reygadas Mexican cinema will become essential.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Labelled Hair Salon Blueprint

The venue was in full, with all the aisles filled with people standing, almost all in the act were already white hair or in some cases and even that, but there were also young people wanting to know the history of this country that the schools have not been taught, many of us eyes filled with tears when some of the participants we spoke to Henry.
first took the floor to the rector of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Carlos Berzosa to highlight the values \u200b\u200bof this student and to these we make ourselves write our story for anyone to write for us.
was followed Manuel Garí, noting the figure of Enrique Ruano, whom he met in those years, wanted to denounce those who, after the dictatorship was put huge medals for being "lifelong Democrat" and brought a democracy which have nothing to do, because it only had "the ability to be in the most suitable" at the right time. Such is the case with characters as dark and terrifying as Rodolfo Martin Villa.
Garí After intervention, turn came to sing Maria del Mar Bonet, who composed with Serrahima Lluis, and since then played a song dedicated to Ruano "Què Volen aquesta gent?" Which earned him a year unable to act or leave Spain.
then José Luis Zárraga cowards tried to "officers of the Franco regime and its collaborators: police, judges, journalists ... Just Ruane stressed the struggle for freedom and democracy, but as collateral, and argued that what really was a socialist, anti-capitalist revolution, aimed at the creation of a "party of new type," he said. "It may seem uncomfortable today, but in honor of Henry should have as it was." Read some texts published by Ruano himself demonstrating the great conviction for fighting "or being against oppression or oppression, can not be neutral." Finally he said that we remember struggling against exploitation, for a revolution, "we know that those objectives are still valid today and struggle is still needed ", which triggered new applause from the audience. Pastor Jaime
continued to insist that Enrique Ruano fought for freedom, but also by another company that changed the world from bases. Also influenced this generation managed to destroy the student union controlled by the dictatorship (the SEU), although Martin Villa (among others), and read a damn poets like Leon Felipe, Lorca, Machado, Blas de Otero and listened to singer-songwriters as Raimon, Maria del Mar Bonet, who began at that time. Alfredo Semprún also deplored that ABC misrepresented information on the orders Fraga Iribarne, giving the impression that he had committed suicide Ruano. Subsequently, expand the ignominy other people as Carrero Blanco, and even the Episcopal Conference, who wanted to support back to Franco. José María
Moher, he was glad to find people who were prosecuted and convicted in that same case of Enrique Ruano said it is now known that he was shot before throwing out the window on the seventh floor and then sawed the bone of the clavicle to the bullet does not appear, distorting after autopsy. Enrique Ruano described a given signature, but nothing dogmatic, steeped in religious beliefs, connected with Christian base communities. He highlighted the cowardice of all these years, since the stop law gave amnesty to all those, we imposed silence. Thus, it should also honor him for all those who suffered for freedom and democracy in this country. José Manuel Benítez
told that for years, the mother of slain refused to admit the facts, until many years later, the day before the statute of limitations, it was decided to sign the petition asking to reopen the proceedings.
narrates the difficulties they had to go through to make their case, as everything had been handled openly, and there was no evidence of any kind contained in the summary. Despite this, got the rapporteur of the court admitted the crime and its commission, but not knowing which of the three policemen present made it could not be condemned. The other two board members admitted that torture had taken place. Finally, the perpetrators left without conviction.
Torcuato Luca de Tena Fraga Iribarne confessed that he gave orders to post entries in the diary of Henry, manipulated to make it look like an unstable person who had committed suicide. The Head of the political police, was seen as an old man who was limited to receiving the stones of the students. Gregorio Peces
Barba, who was a friend of Enrique Ruano, Abilio defend Villena, who was indicted twice by the same cause which had already been convicted
Finally, Margot Ruano, sister of the murdered, spoke on the figure of his brother, describing him as a person fair and honest, firm convictions, who fought for freedom and human rights. "He did not die for something sterile or futile" said "our voice will not keep silent." And then read a poem by Francisco García Marquina "To my friend Henry, who chose to die" written on the night of the murder also read the accessions as Jose Saramago and Carlos Castilla and others could not be in the act.
Joint Pain With Smelly Urine
Plus: Abelardo Oquendo essayist Kundera visit the small
is also .............
hot hot morning; chronic Pinky Rodriguez from the battlefield in the elections of our (Ranch) university.
l to author
the polar opposite Kitsch [1] :
(The line that gravitates to Sabina circle between weight and lightness)
Women who are glad to be identical and indistinguishable
actually celebrate his coming death,
identification that will be absolute.
Milan Kundera in The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera treats the individual from two opposite sides: those who submit to the lightness of existence, the unacceptability of the human and those who forgo Kitsch. There is a huge claim to start the test with this quote from Kundera, falling in the fact that I'ma woman and I can get to sin to be identical, but I also believe strongly that there is nothing more beautiful than to recognize the virtues of a person, more so if they share the same gender. While the book focuses more on the characters of Thomas and Teresa, this paper will try to Sabina, one of the most captivating and impressive novel, it is the woman who breaks the rules of Kitsch, who is exposed in the rules the world and is from that point where it starts to be her, woman artist, human, painting a parallel universe to yours, where one of the main rules is the weight. The book is divided into seven parts, will use three of these as a guide to structure my essay. The following lines intend to find a woman all identical to each other, analyzing their behavior, their ideas and their physical reactions to the world he hates, get me into the world of fiction to find a new face, a face that outlines intellectual engagement and female In other words, the side opposite to Kitsch, a new face of femininity.

always so shy before the cameras, she
lightness and
Kundera draws the first picture of Sabina through the eyes of a male character, Tom, is he who is discussed throughout the play between lightness and weight. Thomas fears the women, want but, I fear. Search is a sort of compromise that called "erotic friendship" an unsentimental relationship where one did not claim the life and liberty of the other to bring happiness to both [2] . A first impression of Thomas' ideas about women may be limited, but I think all otherwise. Thomas is able to know the human being from an individual perspective, detachment, and it is he who attributes this quality to women all the same, that quality of altruism, independence, ability to feel and experience without sacrificing one to claim the another. Thomas manages the idea of \u200b\u200botherness from a higher level and evolved, we understand the otherness as a reflection of one another, recognition, but not submerged in the other side of the mirror. The concept of happiness at this point one of the work also stems from the common ideals, happiness as a feeling caused by the self-control, particularly in the sentimental aspect. I firmly believe in the contribution of sentimentality the ideas and feelings more castrating the uselessness of man, because with the feelings that you give up yourself, locked in a territory and annihilating overflowing emotions of beauty, weight and freedom.
The better you understand that all of your friends was Sabina [3] . She enters the story as a character able to draw potential problems of Thomas, from the beginning is a strong woman. Kundera portrays this character with great delicacy, outlining well the physical and psychological shape, the apparent love, unique qualities attributed to him as a woman. Sabina love split with sexuality as Thomas does, including There is an implicit understanding throughout the play, Sabina's character is perhaps best suited to be the partner of Thomas, but the relationships are the result of the lightness and do not forget that our characters are lovers of weight. I think it is difficult for humans to unlink the act of sharing your body with someone with feelings, especially women, the psychology that have, or as I think we attribute. Sabina breaks these psychological patterns that limit women, it appears as a human rebel, as an independent being, a being able to distinguish, to give back to the dough. Sabina
SCREAM: Like a flower, the flesh contained in the profile, can be opened to amaze [4] . She amazes, is a flower that continues to reinvent itself in Sabina discover a new look, a new female face, a pair of hands enraptured by weight, tireless.
A flower between two mirrors that look: the infinite
Sabina is a character free of all common profile is comfortable with what is and what he feels, especially intellectual, artistic and sexual. Sabina is a partner in Thomas speed [5] , Thomas sees the perfect friend Sabina.
Letter from a friend a friend would like to make love to you in my study, as in a stage. Some people would and could not approach or a step. But they could not take off our eyes off [6] . The purity of the words in an unconscious confession of the highlights over the silhouette of Sabina, is not afraid, is carried away by his feelings and impulses. Sabina dreams of Thomas and not afraid to let you know, has discovered a new world view that shapes it, or perhaps the world that she creates for her and her. Sabina sees his world as if between two facing mirrors, a labyrinth of infinite possibilities, that excites Sabina, wraps, makes immortal. For the second time Sabina
SHOUT: I got up of my body, I went looking for who I am. Pilgrim of me, I went to the country sleeping in a wind. [7] Sabina travels within itself, and is discovered in his own art, in painting, it includes impossible worlds including one within another, like an infinite labyrinth. Sabina Thomas sees another infinite world, it is a subject to portray in his paintings, as if his painting confluence of both worlds, a double exposure. The look he puts in it, goes beyond the sentimental, is a recognition in the labyrinth, it is art, she and him, the ends of the world imagined by both, is the boundary beyond which life ends and passion for extremism in the art, is a real yearning for death. But the possibility of death as rebirth, reinvention, not completion.
In this part I think it important to include the character of Teresa, the partner of Thomas. Although it would have preferred to avoid this time of testing is necessary to make a comparison, minimal but significant, between Teresa and Sabina to reach the final revelation. Sabina looked herself through her paintings, Teresa in the mirror, falling into the lightness that implies the earthly figure without being viewed as a work of art.
two bites devour flowers
revealing the heart does not have
Sabina has a feminine weakness, wanting to feel superior to the other carriers of their gender. She helps Teresa to be included in the world of art: photography. In one part of the novel, Teresa was invited by Sabina to his studio to photograph his paintings. Take the invitation as a challenge to demonstrate the inability of women to understand they have other higher. Sabina said that behind a lie lived a truth incomprehensible comprehensible, ie that the world was nothing but a lie that everyone assumed as true, because it was understandable, but it hides something deeper and true, but that depth is incomprehensible the eyes of the human body, as are not prepared to face that implies the existence mazes. Teresa Sabina considered part of that mass. Teresa is considered part of mass. Teresa admires and fears Sabina. Sabina is delighted by the fear he sees in Teresa. Teresa, and Sabina enter a battle without knowing. Both fall in vertigo understood the depth that opens, attracting, attracts, arouses the desire to fall, from which they defend themselves terrified. Succumb to the charm of the photograph of naked bodies.
The first flower has fallen short on lightness of being
The body is a deadly weapon, Sabina has fallen to his own body, you used the wrong mirror, looking for a face that does not belong, has used the mask belongs Teresa, has been confused and lost, for a few seconds, in a land of limited opportunities, is terrified. For the third time Sabina
SHOUT: The girl is the mask of the infinite and break the wall of poetry [8] . Teresa has felt the weight for the first time, exchanged mirrors, Teresa has endured, has seen without looking. In this part we see the human condition that Kundera attributed to Sabina, nevertheless, is weak and that weakness, recognizable by Sabina, lies the power that only she has to enter the game and exit without difficulty, but it scares falls. The soul and body, at times, are one, sometimes the body due to soul, and foul occurs Sabina union that hates both, but she has fallen, but only a few seconds: human condition.
The winning image of Sabina, is she, in her underwear, armed with his Derby hat [9] . This image been so important to her, in memory of a moment that refuses to lose in the memory, now is distorted in a macabre game. The image is presented to Franz, another of her lovers, and this takes it as a joke. She feels ridiculous and absurd in the pursuit of a moment and lost. The hat now, in the eyes of Franz, it becomes an object that symbolizes violence to Sabina about her feminine dignity. Franz is unable to understand Sabina, Sabina is unable to understand Franz. Two worlds coming together to create the fog. Sabina is reduced to attempts to recover a lost moment.
Every center is a wrong way ilencio
S Sabina is a woman unlike any other, his words and world views are misunderstood by almost all people, fictional or real. Sabina, for example, in his conception of women, goes beyond the philosophical reflections, it did not is neither a credit nor a failure, the rebel against being a woman is as absurd as that of proud of it. This idea generates Kundera Sabina attributed to the deepest admiration for this woman to emphasize that without this condition itself, enhance its kind showing infinite wisdom which holds unorthodox way to live and feel alive inside those worlds she it generates for its own preservation and human. I conclude the essay with a verse that I believe Varela Sabina accurate to describe: If you hit your head endlessly against the impossible, you are the impossible. That is Sabina, an impossibility: Beauty exact female profile.
Women rejoice de ser
idénticas e indiferenciables
celebran en realidad su muerte futura,
que hará que su identificación sea absoluta.
Milán Kundera
2010 Hedge Funds Renaissance Medaillon

Roger Waters - under , voice, acoustic guitar , rhythm guitar, vocoder, tape effects, design
David Gilmour - guitar, voice , under ,
synthesizer Richard Wright - Hammond organ, piano , synthesizer, vocals
Nick Mason - drums , percussion, tape effects, graphic design
Snowy White - Cafecito, guitars and bass.
Well nothing is enough to classify this great gem. Roger and Dave are so great as always, Rick kills us with his own genius in a version 35 minutes (!) Of Shine on your crazy Diamond. Nick is so accurate and great at the Teba. Ahhh, and on this tour presented in great detail to Snowy White as a session musician.

best thing is the completito Animals disk 1, the great version of Shine on, Have a Cigar and Wish you were here, Money and Us and Them are little something loose.
The queer who went to youtube videos of the tour is not to show their embed link
but here is the link
Pigs on the Wing - Pork Back (Part 1)
If you do not care what happened to me,
And I was not interested for you, Zig-zagearíamos
our way through the boredom and pain Occasionally
looking through the rain wondering which
blame And watching the pigs fly
Pigs on the Wing - Pork Back (Part 2) You know
I care what happens to you
And I know that you care for me
do not feel alone Or the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe To bury my bone
And every fool knows a dog
home and shelter needs of pigs flying
Download it now Download it now Download it now Download it now Download it now Download it now Download it now Download it now
Pink Floyd - In the Grassland Away 1 com /? d = 6LDUGBJS
Pink Floyd - In the Grassland Away 2
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Action Replay Change Nature Of Party Pokemon

2) Abolish the death penalty;
3) Ratification of Kyoto Protocol on reducing CO2 emissions;
4) Critical review of the police state that eavesdropping on the lives of others, gather personal data and tab-systematic, bureaucratically-critics, opponents and suspects;
5) Control and Limitation of activities CIA inside and outside the country, as well as the Department of Homeland Security, DHS / Ministry of Homeland Security;
6) Review of the functions and powers provided under the Constitution, the Automated Targeting System, ATS and the Patriotic Act;
7) Rejection of lobbysmo arms and control groups prone to military intervention against Iran
8) End the illegal war in the Middle East and withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan;
9 ) Reduction of exorbitant military budget;
10) Ratification of the "Rome Statute" for the persecution and punishment of crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague against crimes against Humanity;
11) Cancel the "immunity" (?) of the American soldiers against the Statute and the Court;
12) Requirement to Israel for compliance with the old and current UN resolutions against settlements Jews on Palestinian territory;
13) thematized in the United Nations in peace in the Middle East, the need to recognize the right of return of Palestinians expelled from their territory, and the imperative obligation of Israel to pay compensation material for the wrongs and damage;
14) Control or prohibition of the possession of weapons that is contrary tajantemenmte the National Rifle Association, NRA,
15) Prohibición de la producción, de la venta y del uso de las bombas-racimo;
16) Suspensión o fin del embargo contra la República Socialista de Cuba;
17) Impedimento de los planes de desestablización política y social en Venezuela y Bolivia;
18) Cierre del Centro de Reclusión de Guantánamo y reconocimiento de sus ocupantes como prisioneros con derecho a un procedimiento jurídico y patrocinio legal;
19) Revisión del contrato con Polonia sobre la instalación de un sistema de intercepción de cohetes sobre su territorio que inquieta a Rusia;
20) Suspensión de los planes y de las conversaciones con la República Checa para la instalación de un sistema de radares to revive the Cold War years, promoting an arms race and may lead to a nuclear confrontation.
Alvarez Rodrich
Monday, January 19, 2009
Drunk Driving Psa Ideas
this little chest, eat potato
What Is The Freezing Point Of Margarita Mix
Genesis was a clear Rock sample Progressive, with great musical movements, great music and lyrics clairvoyant.
Although since 1978 dedicated themselves to a pop sound, they never stopped making music better than his contemporaries.
the beginning of his trip is to progressive Trespass, (1970) his second album where Genesis is fully progressive.
With dramatic music, manages to take a breathtaking trip. The compositions were longer and more complex than their debut album. The sound evokes a kind of minstrel music of medieval England, later to explore with higher quality.
White Mountain
is also curious that Mike Rutherford started using the 12-string acoustic guitar that would become a trademark of Genesis and Tony Banks in the same way with Hammond organ and mellotron . Peter Gabriel's voice is more powerful than before and increasingly sophisticated lyrics. This record means the departure of John Mayhew and Anthony Phillips of the group and the entry of Phil Collins and Steve Hackett, respectively, giving way to the Genesis history.
The topics that are protruding from Tresppas White Mountain, with a very interesting progression in the chorus and good arpeggios and flute melodies, Stagnation with a great vocal range and brilliant Gabriel The Knife, one of the best songs of the band, with various movements and magisterial power.
1. "Looking for Someone" - 7:06
2. "White Mountain" - 6:45
3. "Visions of Angels" - 6:51
4. "Stagnation" - 8:50
5. "Dusk" - 4:13
6. "The Knife" - 8:56
Peter Gabriel: Lead vocal, Flute, Accordion, Tambourine, Bass Drum
Anthony Phillips: acoustic 12-string guitar, electric guitar, tympani, vocals Tony Banks
: organ Piano, Mellotron, guitar, vocals
Mike Rutherford: acoustic 12-string guitar, electric bass, Nylon, Cello, Choir
John Mayhew: Drums, Percussion, Choral
The Knife
Tell me my life is about to begin
tell me I'm a hero, Promise me all your dreams
your body with violent rage.
Now, in this horrible world, it is time to destroy evil.
Now when I give you the world, are you ready to fight for your freedom?
Now Get up and fight for what you know is right
we hit the lies that have spread like disease
in our minds.
will soon have the power to every soldier who is
and spread our goodness to anyone who deserves our love.
Some of you will die martyrs of the freedom that they will provide.
I will give the name of those who must kill
all must die with their children
bring their heads to an old place with stakes
hang it, let his blood fall
Now in this world of hate, we must break the chains that we
Now, the crusade began, we this a land of heroes
Now Get up and fight for what you know is right
we hit the lies that have spread like disease
in our minds.
will soon have the power to every soldier who is
and spread our goodness to anyone who deserves our love.
Some of you will die martyrs of the freedom that they will provide.
Are we just looking for freedom? WE WON
Some of you will die martyrs of the freedom that they will provide.
The Knife, in vivo, but incomplete
Get It Right now courtesy of this little chest
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I Want Sniff Moms Feet
Please, I do not know where they are confusing me with a man named PIPE GOOD. Children are writing me thinking I'm him, are all wrong I'm not GOOD PIPE. I hope this clarification will serve. Thanks.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
What Is The Punishment For Using Fake Vouchers

should not be forgotten that the present government of Israel is composed of two political organizations, the Kadima (center) and the Labour Party (social). Worth remembering because they still have not heard any voice to ward Barak's party of the Socialist International. Barak joined
the Israel Defense Forces in 1959 and served there for 35 years, to perform the duties of Ramatcal (Commander in Chief) and hold the rank of Lieutenant General, the highest in the Israeli army. During his service as a commando, Barak participated in a secret mission (Operation Spring Youth, Beirut, 1973) in which they dressed as women to infiltrate terrorists. He was awarded the medal for "distinguished service" and four awards for courage and operational efficiency. He is considered the most decorated soldier in Israel's history.
announced in January 2007 to be presented again as a candidate for the leadership of his party, with a public letter acknowledging their mistakes and inexperience during his time as Prime Minister. On May 28 get 39% of the vote, leaving first, but required 40% of support, so you force a second round against Ami Ayalon, who was second (third was the candidate for reelection Amir Peretz and fourth former minister Ophir Pines-Paz). On June 12 defeated narrowly Ayalon, and becomes again the leader of Israel's Labor Party, becoming the successor of Peretz as defense minister.