The issue remains a priority with me. It is the first time I feel that things can get a very good term and I do not want to be me, who will interfere. On the contrary, I put everything within reach so that both can walk safely in a matter as delicate as that of relations same-gender. I can not say that Oskar was not careful about this. On the contrary, I think it is he who has taken charge of this relationship and I will be carrying and is guiding me. He says he does not have much experience in these things, but I see that you do so honestly and I'm letting go by. At our second meeting, the invitation was very curious. Go to the movies. Just the winning films of Oskar (of others lol) was in theaters and it was worth going to see anyone. He told me that I chose and tilt by "Slumdog Millionaire" if he won many awards for something serious. Honestly had not crossed my mind, get to film with Oskar but the plan was seductive. We are outside the mall and when we were face to face, I could see again in her bright eyes and the smile that was a sign of mischief. It was something special. I like, again, the feeling I get from being so close to him. We entered the theater, we took in the central part of the first level, but well behind. The capacity was just over half to the public, but in the row where we did not had more than 4 partners. After locating and properly seated and taking advantage of the light was still on, I got curious to look at his crotch. It was my first blatant and abusive sexual attitude I had with him, but truth is that they usually I, with my surroundings. I do not know why, but I'm curious and I also produce much morbidity, thinking if they shout or not, or which side will the poor prisoner, hehe. So far looking through the pretense and say 'tail of the eye ", I ventured to look at him. Wearing jeans was not very tight, but certainly the position of the legs at the joints and tight, let see that the man is as gifted. Only it a few seconds to remove my eyes and follow what we were talking. The lights, two or three trailers of upcoming releases and started the tape. All went well, passed normal. I liked the movie. I was lying comfortably in the saddle and my legs with their knees touching the back of the chair opposite. He was more or less the same position. My hands were crossed on his chest. Were those of the same. From time to time he rearranges in the chair right hand out and placed on top of my left leg. I look at it, but he is still eyeing the screen. Then he let his hand still there. I liked it, but in a stimulating got an erection and that makes me uncomfortable, but if I'm in a public place. I did nothing, he rose his hand and mementos, not so much up there, but while the thigh and other times down. After a while take it off. And again and folded his arms. Approached to the right side and left him approached me and his hand under mine looking that I was a little below the armpit. Always kept his arms crossed. When found mine, touched, caressed and intertwines his fingers with mine and so we were until I finish the tape. With credit, turned on the light and they were all out. We sat there waiting to come out more people. At the end we stood up and left. We were the last to leave the room. I went forward and backwards. When I feel that inserts his hand in the back pocket of my pants and says,
O: What a great movie ... you like?
Y: Yes, of course, was good ...
her hand bag and left the theater. We in a shopping center, located on Calle 26 (Grand Station) where service is not Transmilenio (mass transit service with buses giants) and take a bus to take us out of there to get to a place near our house. Sitting back in the minivan, and touched her leg again, but this time, pressed and left his hand resting there for a few minutes. When he realized that someone was going to board the bus, the withdrawal. Nothing else happened. We reached the place to where we were and we got out. When we were on the sidewalk to me and said almost to a whisper:
O: I like ...
Y: And you to me ...