Antonio Marcelo cows

progressive Extremadura 29/12/2009
"Therefore I believe time to propose to the English Cortes, as a person known to happen, as a King, Prince Don Juan Carlos de Borbon y Borbon, who, having received adequate training for their lofty mission and be part of the three hosts, has given evidence of his true patriotism and his total identification with the Principles of the Movement and Fundamental Laws the Kingdom. "
With such harangues on July 22, 1969, Franco appointed Juan Carlos de Borbon, bypassing the natural order of succession, as his successor as head of state with the title "Prince of Spain", and thus, is proclaimed by the courts when Juan Carlos swears "fidelity to the principles of the National Movement and other fundamental laws of the Kingdom."
To get to this point previously in Spain had to produce a series of historical events. A 1936-1939 war ended with the victory of General Franco, supported by Germany and Italy, representing the interests of landowners, monarchists, banking oligarchy, the church of the time, and the aristocracy, and led to the abolition of the English Republic reinstated in April 1931 and the establishment of a dictatorship.
Later in 1945 the Parliament adopted the Charter Franco of the English, among other issues proclamation to the Catholic religion as the English State and the rights and duties of the English.
On June 6, 1947 held a "referendum" on the Law of Succession, restoring the monarchy on the role, Franco acting thereafter as a monarch who would be when it deems it convenient to appoint his successor as King of Spain.
In 1948, Juan de Borbon delivered to his son Juan Carlos to General Franco to begin their education under the slogans of the regime.
In 1958 the Parliament adopted the Law on the Movement's Fundamental Principles which states that that "Spain is a destination drive in the universal", being the natural entities of social life and participation, "the family, the municipality and the union. "
in 1967 approving the Organic Law of the State in Article 6 provides all political powers to General Franco, Head of the English state, and we get to 1969 with Juan Carlos de Borbon appointed by the General Franco, de facto king of the English State, his successor. During
covering the period 1939-1969 described so far, thirty years of the Franco regime, the only opposition to the constituted authority of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE), active between workers, students and intellectuals essentially because the PSOE was missing from the English political scene, forty years of the Franco regime. There
timid attempts to criticize the regime from other parameters such as through attendance at the Congress of the European Movement, meeting in Munich on 7 and 8 June 1962, which considered that the integration of all countries in Europe, whether in the form of accession shall, in the form of association, required in each democratic institutions was not the case in Spain.
the regime's propaganda christened the event as the 'Munich conspiracy ", the congress adopted a motion embodying the most influential and militant strictly European views denying the admission of Spain or even as a partner in the European system while not change the regime. Upon returning to Spain the English delegates, two dozen, had to choose from the steps of the plane or banishment or confinement in Fuenteventura and to remove any doubt of the character the scheme, the following year 1963, the communist leader is shot Julián Grimau.
In the economic autarky practiced by the regime, and remained in the ruin of the country, concludes with the start of the 1959 Stabilization Plan, designed by the technocrats of Opus Dei called to enter the scheme, followed Plans Development of the 60's, which, aided by the foreign exchange brought by the migration, tourism receipts, and a massive public works policy, transform the English productive structure, creating a large middle class, on which as usual dominated by a financial oligarchy-building, Spain became a country "developing" standing out even further, the dichotomy between an economy that was close to that prevailing in the Democratic Europe, which mimicked socioeconomic parameters and anachronistic political system which included, until 1974, all Iberian Peninsula and Portugal that year ceased to belong to the club of democratic.
the early 70's who suffered from Parkinson's worsens Franco, and physical and mental deterioration is now clearly appreciated by those who treat him even within the protocol.
is when the events are concatenated to breakneck pace and most significant was the death of Admiral Carrero Blanco on December 20, 1973, by an ETA.
Carrero Blanco then President of the Government when it dies, right hand and was regarded as the successor of Franco's death (he said referring to the general who left all "tied up and well tied"), and given his influence over the army was safeguarding the continuity of the Franco regime, with Juan Carlos de Borbón as Head of State, which had become an island to put away the rest of Western Europe to the English nation. Ultimately
Carrero Blanco, editor of the Law of Succession of 1947, and sent by Franco March 31, 1947 as a minister, to meet with Juan de Borbón, is eliminated by ETA when the death of Franco already suspect.
and is removed by an assassination attempt which only failed to put openly and therefore at all times was known by the U.S. State Department Embassy in Madrid as 100 meters from the street where the tunnel was made, had a seismograph which recorded the progress of ETA operatives in the tunnel to place explosives practiced over the Admiral car.
In 1973, a group also represents the FRAP (Frente Revolucionario Anti-Fascist Patriotic) organization located on the left of PCE and inspired militants in the Communist Party Marxist-Leninist of Spain (PCE (ml), which led to an armed group responsible for several attacks in 1975 and finally disbanded in 1978.
The deteriorating state of General Franco, is in the public domain when attends the funeral of Carrero Blanco and break to mourn the offer condolences to his widow.
The funeral, which runs through the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid is chaired by the Prince of Spain, Juan Carlos de Borbon, who walked on foot went before the coffin carrying the remains of Carrero, as the undersigned had the opportunity to see this historic event as a spectator at Paseo aforesaid, taken by plainclothes police officers and even (as in civilian clothes where you could tell had placed his right hand).
Ironically, Carrero Blanco replaced him his Minister of Interior, and therefore police chief, Carlos Arias Navarro (who later TVE cry before announcing the death of Franco), who is appointed Prime Minister Franco himself was no longer master of his actions and therefore easily influenced mainly by her own family.
Arias Navarro was a first attempt without Franco Franco whose death is predicted next (from July 19 to September 2, 1974, Juan Carlos de Borbon agreed to briefly head of state because of the fragile Franco health) but not formally dismantled the regime, reform simply because its pure state continuity was impossible, and fan groups except one in their right mind could defend. So misleading
project is embodied in the speech that Arias Navarro February 12, 1974, before the courts then considered "openness" and named the "Spirit of 12 February 1974."
the same year 1974, with the imminent demise of the dictator known as the Democratic Board, non amalgam of parties and personalities born in Spain of some renown in various fields of the English stage, aimed at training of a provisional government to replace the chairmanship of Arias Navarro, legalizing all political parties and restore all freedoms, something unthinkable in Franco's life.
What does happen in life is Franco Suresnes Congress held by the PSOE between 11 and 13 October 1974 in this French town adjacent to Paris, which marked a before and after in the history of the PSOE.
Supporting the Congress were present Willy Brand, former Foreign Minister and German Social Democratic leader, François Mitterand, French Socialist leader Bruno Pitterman, president of the Socialist International, the international capitalist over time. The
historical depositories had been the symbol of the PSOE, led by Rodolfo Llopis, Secretary General in exile, are replaced by the "Group of Seville" (the clan of the tortilla) that lead strangers to the English people Felipe Gonzalez, Alfonso Guerra, and Manuel Chaves, and whose executive committee also included Nicolas Redondo, Jose M ª Benegas, and two opponents in this clan that slipped by Rondon, Francisco Bustelo and Paul Castilian, quickly relegated to a third plane and subsequently punished.
Since the objective of this laboratory PSOE, which recreates an artificial creation among many other documents in Alfonso Grimaldos book, "The CIA in Spain" ¸ sponsored by the U.S. State Department, is to neutralize the strong left opposition posed by PCE, substantially implemented within Spain, the Political Resolution adopted at the Congress Suresnes set out a radical program that defined the term "Democratic Rupture."
Then the PSOE was a Marxist, a Republican, opposed to the blocks and NATO, all obviously nozzle.
Grimaldos In his book describes the English Transition, as a product design from the U.S. State Department, the PSOE's relationship with the Trilateral influence and control over Juan Carlos de Borbon, and directed that Felipe Gonzalez held on through the English intelligence services, which contained a spoiled because he was destined to be the architect of the neutralization of the Communists in Spain, work that Capitalism is mandated in all Western countries to social democracy, as and reform, but helpful with capitalism is its sponsors, a system which has always been faithful.
In an atmosphere of tension, the existence of numerous attacks while Franco was with one foot in the grave, the regime, and primarily the Arias Navarro government, supports five convictions death against two ETA activists and three of FRAP, which run in September 1975 and finally what was expected happened two months later, on November 20, 1975, after a long agony, and Juan Carlos Franco dies de Borbón is proclaimed head of state and crowned King of Spain on November 22, 1975, at the Palacio de las Cortes Franco and renamed Juan Carlos I, bypassing the natural order of succession belonged to his father Juan de Borbón, who would not be until May 14, 1977 when officially renounced all dynastic rights denied by the Succession Act created by the "king" Franco in 1947.
From 20N Spain starts at the very poorly named "Transition" democratic to be discussed in subsequent chapters.
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