The federal coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara said yesterday that the "march against corruption" that will depart the next day 30 from Seseña (Toledo) and completed the next day in Madrid before the Congress of Deputies "is a wake-up call to all citizens" to "a cancer that corrodes to democracy. "
In a press conference in Toledo, Cayo Lara expressed support for this march, organized by the United Left and the Communist Party of Spain and supported by the Izquierda Unida Federal Executive Mayor Seseña population, Manuel Fuentes, the subject of several complaints by the constructor Francisco Hernando The Pocero, promoter of urbanization The Quinon, in that municipality Toledo. Demos
a civics lesson these judges and businessmen who are used to buy everything with money, demonstrate that there is still honest people like Seseña Mayor Manuel Fuentes and go all the march to show solidarity with, and our own interests Manuel Fuentes that we can be all, we are against corruption.
must demonstrate that it is punishable by a worker and set a bail of one million euros when you have a monthly salary of just over two thousand euros and those who have taken advantage of it remain in the street.
All Seseña the progress of the next day 30
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