face of amnesia promoted, forty years of historical memory in Spain
Antonio Marcelo Vacas EXTREMADURA PROGRESSIVE posted on 31/12/2009 Dead
Franco, Juan Carlos I becomes head of state being Carlos Arias Navarro English Prime Minister. Summarising briefly the figure of Arias Navarro identification with the Franco regime was always absolute, he earned the nickname "The Butcher of Málaga" for his role as a prosecutor in courts-martial against significant supporters of the Republic during the Civil War to his remarks attributed more than 4,300 dead. Civil Governor of Lions (1944), Director General of Security (1957), Mayor of Madrid (1965), Minister of the Interior in June 1973. Dead
Carrero Blanco became President of the Government due to its proximity to the Franco family.
is famous for its offer to U.S. in 1975 to go to war against Portugal in the case of settling in Lisbon a leftist government.
In principle, King Juan Carlos I put his trust in a genuine representative of the regime that had lofty, Carlos Arias Navarro tried to preserve the legacy of the dictator in a society that publicly called for the establishment of a democracy.
On July 1, 1976, Carlos Arias Navarro was forced to resign, which was given as compensation title of Marquis de Arias Navarro Grandee of Spain. Would be released from his post by Adolfo Suárez González, to the amazement and astonishment of all democrat in July 1976.
the beginning of his mandate was thought that Smith was a substitute Arias for his biography and his years. Built in 1958 at the General Secretariat of the Movement, Chief of Staff of Deputy Secretary General of the Movement in 1961, Attorney in Courts of Avila in 1967, Governor of Segovia in 1968, Director General of RTVE in 1969, Deputy Secretary General of the Movement in April 1975, Minister Secretary General of the Movement in the first government of Arias Navarro on 11 December 1975.
was then, in July 1976, the prototype of the Franco climber, and yet Juan Carlos I charged with the formation of the second government of his reign but with a remote control from the U.S. mission, removal of outdated and useless for big capital structures Franco. And
to blow up a regime, no significant as one of its members who knows perfectly the cloth and has few scruples. Suárez
accepted the assignment and gets to work, promoting the reverse of the Francoist Cortes (with friend watching USA Army, police, rightwing and information services, the facade of the regime agreed to dissolve itself), produces a Law Reform policy that is approved by Parliament Franco in November 1976 (425 in favor, 59 against and 13 abstentions) that are then approved in referendum.
On June 15, 1977 elections are held give the following general representation only four political parties from endless amalgamation of acronyms, Suarez UCD 31.1%; PSOE de González, 28.6%, PCE de Carrillo and PA 9.4% 8.5% Fraga .
had been achieved in a wee country, and despite the continued provocation of terrorism of different signature to change a dictatorship to formal democracy that allows the integration of the English nation in the Western camp (remember that time still exist two blocks who led the U.S. and the Soviet Union).
Courts outputs of those elections, converted into constituents, approved the English Constitution endorsed the December 6, 1978 legalizing the monarchy somehow introduced by Franco. The dilemma was terrible, Constitution Monarchy or anything.
On March 3, 1979, Adolfo Suarez won a second election and began his third term as president of government with a terrorism suspect hit with regularity, and the English economy made a fox, because Smith could not give more of himself.
Felipe Gonzalez after going to ask about their guards, "which is what is mine", no response and that things were going relatively well in Spain and the PSOE had fulfilled its role as part pseudoleftism essentially as a neutralizer of PCE, once lost the 1979 election, starting a destructive opposition, with PRISA media flagship, resorting to a continuous progressive disinformation and manipulation of events, while the party was hiding the transformations already was carried out, because since 1977, their positions are being progressively congressional derechizando socialdemocratizando and to please their funders, and providing access to the government of Spain.
In 1980, Gonzalez shortly after losing a general election a motion of censure could not succeed with the sole desire to wear down the government of Suarez, who before the breakdown of his party UCD, with a mix of opportunistic significant exception, become a cage of crickets and the paradigm of the conspirators, resigned on January 29, 1981 and was replaced by Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo, who in the inaugural session of 23 F, 1981 is a coup attempt sponsored in part by waste bunker Falangist and most reactionary sectors of the English army, which was being caused by terrorism for years for precisely this step that would fundamentally was stopped by the USA and European capitalism, not being afraid to prefer the English situation bourgeois democracy rather than fascism Franco thinkable only for melancholy.
To understand the context in which occurs the coup attempt of 1981, 23F, you need to know what was happening at the time on terrorism.
Between 1978 and 1981, 264 fatalities occurred ETA in Spain, the highest of all existence of this group fell to 101 such casualties in the period 1982-1985. Complement
ETA were the staples that if there were an invention of the Police Commissioner sociopolitical Conesa, is proven infiltration of fifth columnists in their ranks, they began to attack in 1975, killing four policemen, coinciding with the timely performance FRAP also that year that killed three members of the police and Civil Guard, all of which led to the shootings in September 1975.
is the principle of action-reaction led to the policy. According to Alfredo Grimaldos
(The CIA in Spain), and citing sources, the government's list in his pocket that the General Navy when he entered Parliament by taking the 23 F Tejero, was the Army itself as Chairman, Vice-President Felipe González, for political affairs, Gregorio Peces Barba as justice minister, Javier Solana, Minister of Communications, Health Minister Enrique Mugica.
Ignorance Suarez, dedication the demolition of the building so well known Franco, terrorist harassment, and the destructive work of the PSOE, the economy meant that it happened during their terms to the background will start producing the phenomenon of stagflation, unemployment with inflation, they felt more force middle and working classes, with a considerable deterioration of the socioeconomic situation and the value of the peseta continued depreciation.
All these circumstances were used by the PSOE Gonzalez / War whose degree of populist demagoguery, of cynicism and falsehood, and today marks a milestone in the history of Spain, as is proved by the newspaper archives.
This destructive work, with a Manichean and false propaganda, unknown in democratic countries around us, Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo continues in the Prime Minister who finally summoned Parliament elections held on October 28, 1982, at which it is presented with Adolfo Suárez newly created CDS (Social Democratic and Centre), was elected deputy for Madrid, but getting a modest profit in the polls and proven that in politics, as in many other issues important thing is to have a "Godfather" as well as the remarkable results prove once the game gets Isidoro, who when his term ends will be known by another nickname best Mister X.
And, finally, in October 1982, the PSOE Gonzalez / War, won an absolute majority with the promise of "change" in a degraded state toward equality, fraternity and legality that never arrived, all otherwise.
gave us the "change had, as will be discussed in the next chapter, because in October 1982, beginning an era of unparalleled infamy for the English (Extremadura double for that year and month for 1982, an upstart, a go-between War, it is also power in Extremadura), INEQUIPARABLE IN THE HISTORY OF SPAIN, perhaps only matched with the conduct of the king felon, Fernando VII. The English had a hiatus of eight years, and in 2004 returned to bite in what is now known as Philip, but we Extremadura, suffer the plague since then and in 2010 will mark twenty eight years of hateful rule cacique in the region of Extremadura, caricature of what should be an autonomous and democratic government.
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