- I once had gray eyes, like you, "murmured almost in a dream. And certainly, once many years ago when I was little, her eyes were gray, silver liquid. But as time had gone dark, as his own soul, to become two irises black, Like the depths of the abyss. But I lost, Peter. I lost my gray eyes like so many other things.
Peter watched unperturbed as he always was, sparingly stroking the dark hair ripples Hollie. She knew not only about the color of his eyes, but he was undressing an important part of herself. Peter was aware that the eye color was not important, really.
- You have not lost, dared to say, after a moment's thought. I'm sure are still there, somewhere.
was too tired to respond right away. Morfeo was mercilessly dragged into her world, but still managed to turn and look at her face, with eyes downcast.
- No, Peter. I lost, "she whispered, not without effort. The words felt heavy and thick in his throat. But I came back to find you.
With those last words fell into a peaceful sleep and comforting. A dream of those who have succeeded only when Peter, on those rare occasions, she stayed with her.
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