As we argue in the book of our own, so you must learn a new mother is to raise her son but to defend those who say all the time, how should raise their child. And the aunts Cocas never rests: they are the ones who tell you that the baby is hungry, you took the time not sleeping because you are nervous and sure that your milk is not enough. What happens is that these aunts Cokes are very concerned about you. All the time. In fact, are you ever wondered when you thought you were a child. Of course before that they had insisted on the idea that it was time for you to put the bride and, shortly thereafter, swelled with the little matter of marriage. Very well: now you have the baby. But there is a problem: the little one is already big, and you know that Aunt believes Coke? That boy needs a sibling. So, dear, to see when you put the batteries, lest you've decided to have one child, poor thing. And if you chose to wait a few years old to bring another human into the world, Coca aunt disagrees. Sabelo. Because you're going to be great. It is best now. Dale. Do you know what horn are you doing? Why waste your time to live your life when you should be designing the little brother? Huh?
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