Thursday, June 12, 2008

Parts For My New Bright Rc Car

Not today, baby, my head hurts

seems that when one becomes a mother changes everything. But all. So personality. Suddenly, a woman who wanted to avoid children, must now worship. In all, not just their own. And, moreover, have to play with them. Why? Does the baby is not going to garden? Is there no teachers who play at least three hours for a paycheck? Does the woman who cares not play enough? Do not you also receive a salary for that work? What happens is that the baby wants to play with Mom. And the mom gets tired from work, wanting to zap, and the obligation to bathe the baby, warm the food and finish some chores. But above all, the problem is that the mom does not like to play. Bored. Gets tired. Prefer to do adult things. Is it a bad mother? Place


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